Two weeks without travel

Нийтэлсэн: 01.03.2018

The two weeks after my trip to New Orleans nothing really happened. I went on with my normal life, meeting my friends on the weekends and having a lot of time on my own. Don't get me wrong, I really like that. I never thought I'd like it to be alone. Still, it still wasn't easy for me. I still want to go back every day I'm here. But the wish of staying and traveling is stronger than the wish of going back. Plus, the reason that I don't have anything to do in Germany keeps me here.

In the two weeks after my trip to New Orleans, nothing really happened. I lived my normal life here, met my friends on the weekends, and had a lot of time for myself. Don't get me wrong, I really like that. I never thought I would enjoy spending time alone. But it's still not easy for me. Every day, I have the desire to go home in my head, but the desire to stay here and continue traveling is stronger than the desire to go home. Additionally, the fact that I have nothing to do in Germany keeps me here.

We had the wife of Molly's coworker over for dinner one night and tried to make Molly jealous at dinner. It didn't work, but it was a pretty nice dinner.

The wife of Molly's coworker came over for dinner one evening. We tried to make Molly jealous because we had a great dinner. It didn't work. But it was delicious.

We 'watched' the Super Bowl. I spent the first half in the 'baby prison' playing with the babies.
Wir haben den Super Bowl 'geschaut'. Ich habe die erste Hälfte im 'Baby-Gefängnis' verbracht und mit den Babys gespielt.

The United States are so close to Mexico that you can get really good Mexican food here. Tacos are my new favorite food, and I was so proud of the first enchiladas I made.
Die Vereinigten Staaten sind so nah an Mexiko, dass man hier wirklich gutes mexikanisches Essen bekommt. Tacos sind mein neues Lieblingsessen, und ich war so stolz auf die ersten Enchiladas, die ich gemacht habe.

