Day 19 Koh Kong Province

Нийтэлсэн: 10.03.2023

This morning we were picked up at the hostel in Kampot and then took the bus to Koh Kong Province. Actually, Koh Kong is an island but somehow the region is also called Koh Kong. I don't quite understand it. In any case, this place was recommended to us by locals, which was already noticeable when booking the hostel, as the selection was much smaller than usual. Also, you rarely see tourists here and accordingly, you get stared at, smiled at, or waved at even more by the locals. Well, let's start from the beginning. The day started at the hostel in Kampot at sunrise with a coffee.

Sunrise in Kampot

Then we were taken to Koh Kong in the most comfortable bus we have ever ridden since we have been here. However, the driver apparently wanted to conserve his air conditioning a bit, which can get a bit warm in a completely full bus. But hey! The journey was supposed to take 7 hours and guess what! It actually only took 7 hours.

Most comfortable bus 💪🏼

We were very impressed with the guesthouse. It definitely could have been worse 😅

Our pool

The room is also really nice, and above all, the bed is super comfortable!!


Then we made ourselves some good food since this morning there was only a 7 eleven sandwich again, which unfortunately doesn't keep you full for long.

Fruit between the teeth and oatmeal on the mouth - seems to taste good

Afterwards, we explored the area. On the way, we saw a guardian ?! who picked a fruit from a tree for us. We don't know what it was. In my opinion, it smelled like an apple, then tasted like a peach, and then made the mouth just furry. But we're still alive. We just threw it away. Maybe someone knows what it is?!

Okay, update: we found out that they are cashew fruits. So, the thing on top could have actually become a cashew nut 😅


Then we just sat by the river for a while and watched the sun go down. Katha treated herself to a sugarcane drink. I didn't think it was that great but okay. I didn't want one, though.

Sugarcane drink

Then we went to the fish market that we had spotted on the way there. We had dinner there too. WOW! It was really delicious. I had noodles (Katha had rice) with fresh shrimps and squid rings. One meal + one beer for 4.70€. But also a huge portion and prepared fresh in front of us.

Our food was still on the market...
...and then on my plate 😍

Afterwards, we bought fruit again for our breakfast. The whole thing costed us 3.26€

I love this fruit so much 😩

Then we went back to the guesthouse and now we're sitting on the balcony for a while before going to bed 😊

By the way, this was our last long journey today.


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