Christmas in 'the cold'

പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 26.12.2016

After sitting in the car in the rain for a long time on Christmas Eve and then arriving not very friendly at the camp, we were initially not very enthusiastic about our accommodation. That's not how we imagined Christmas in Africa. We cooked ourselves a little something and ate outside in the candlelight at 20°C. The only nice thing was that a hyena walked right past our tent and we could watch it. After that, we went to bed slightly shivering and watched a movie on my tablet :-). On the first day of Christmas we finally slept in. Then we drove through the reserve in our car and discovered the usual suspects like kudus and impalas. But we also saw a lot of rhinos. In addition, we saw a warthog with its young ones in the camp. Very cute 😍. In the evening, we went on a jeep tour where we saw a spotted hyena, two fighting giraffes, rhinos, and a few nyala antelopes, etc. Today we were glad to be able to leave again. On the way to the gate, we finally spotted some elephants. Now we have arrived safely in St. Lucia and it is pleasantly warm with 29°C. Now we are looking forward to spending the second day of Christmas at least somewhat cozy. We hope you have had wonderful contemplative days so far and are now enjoying the last day of Christmas.


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