Caminho Portuges - Day 4 Walking

പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 10.05.2018

Day 4 Barcelos - Vitorino dos Pias 23.3km

This stage has been the most beautiful so far on the journey. The scenery becomes more and more enticing, and the further north you go, the more Spanish everything becomes. After almost getting used to starting just before sunrise, getting up early wasn't so bad anymore. And so we happily walked along, meeting old acquaintances along the way. Despite the pain in my Achilles tendon, the walking was as good as ever. But ibuprofen helps me get through the kilometers every day ;)

Unfortunately, I missed the opportunity to make a declaration of love at the Ponte das Tabuas bridge, as stated in my travel guide... Well, I know that Manu also reads this blog, so I'll tell you, I'm always with you in my thoughts, I love you 😘!

After almost 20km, all three possible hostels were full. (Now I really appreciate my fellow travelers so that I don't have to search alone). But by chance, there was suddenly a private hotel/apartment, and with my negotiation skills, we got a very cool accommodation for only 15€ per person and received two bottles of homemade wine as a gift.
On the way to dinner, we saw pilgrims on horseback for the first time. Pretty cool.
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