# Watch 37 beaches

പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 08.04.2022

With the e-bike to the coast.

That was a great idea and it worked very well as long as we used the paved roads. They are not heavily trafficked and easy to handle with an e-bike in hilly terrain.

It's always fun to explore unknown roads and then be amazed by the landscape at the end of the path.

Praia do Zavial
Praia do Zavial

That's how it was for us with the first two beaches, where there were also restaurants and people. You can still easily reach them by car.

Praia do Ingrina
Praia do Ingrina
Light and shadow

But then the supposed path to Praia do Baranco started. No pavement - no stabilization - just gravel and rubble, washed out by the last rain - suitable for hiking with sturdy footwear - but with the e-bike in hand?

Who had this stupid idea! 😣

Well, after I led you in the last report with the link to the page from www.Dinovan.de, I wanted to see and compare the beach in person.

I initially rode the hiking trail from Praia do Ingrina (that's all I can say about it) slowly - always with the uneasy feeling of not producing a flat tire.

Simone stopped riding earlier and her looks spoke a clear language. So we gently pushed the city bikes over the rocky fields, guided by the thought of whether we should really continue to the end or turn back.

But I crossed out that word - there is only one direction. When the beach finally appears after the last hill, I am relieved.

Praia do Baranco
Praia do Baranco

However, I am less pleased with the condition of the downhill path. Should we really do this? Can I expect Simone to do this? Her words are clear:...I won't push it up again.

Mountainbike? Nope
Mountainbike? Nope,

Okay, but there are also cars and motorhomes down there. And they certainly didn't come over this way. There must be another way.

At that moment, we hear engine noise from behind and two off-road motorcycles with UE license plates come down the steep path. What they can do....

Suddenly they came - the enduros
Suddenly they came - the enduros

The two show great respect for our action below. But I also have respect for both of them, especially since they drive back up the path afterwards.

We take a look at the beach and compare it to the vivid description from the Dinovan article. It's not easy because hardly anyone is here. The huge parking lot in front of the beach is completely empty, there may be 5 motorhomes there. People occasionally appear between the bushes, but we better not shake hands with them.

At the beach, you can also see the rock castles. It's only when you get closer that you notice that every bay is occupied.

Stone castles on the beach - clearly occupied
Stone castles on the beach - clearly occupied

From the DinoVan article:

... these wonders stand beyond the boulders, in the stone bays on the beach, where they smoke one joint after another by the sparse campfire. They are so high up down there that it is already lonely, and that's why they at least friendly greet back into the world of the sober.

And that's 100% true.

While looking around and absorbing impressions, we see him, the king of free campers:

The king of free campers
The king of free campers

How he got there surpasses my imagination.

We take the way back through the parking lot, which is paved with very coarse concrete grid stones. Here again, a big word for the condition - paved. You imagine a paved path that you can ride on. Far from it, the stones are so roughly laid to each other that I don't want to ride my bike there. After about 2 km, the pavement ends and we continue on a gravel road that is no different from our descent to the beach earlier. I don't dare to turn around....

When we finally land on a paved road again, it doesn't take much persuasion. There was a restaurant at Praia do Ingrina down below that will surely reward us for the hardships with a drink.

Since last year, Portugal has been cracking down on free campers. This may be due to the irresponsible treatment of nature and the disposal of waste and faeces.

Anyway, the large community of freedom-loving and independent motorhome travelers is a thorn in the side of the Portuguese state. And the authorities are rigorously enforcing this, as some motorhome travelers reported to us on the way.

That may also be the reason why Praia do Baranco is so empty. Every police officer in this area knows the hotspot.

For us, however, the parking space in Figuera is very good with disposal, shower, toilet and electricity. And in the evening we can even barbecue.

Barbecuing with a lot of color in the face
Barbecuing with a lot of color in the face

It was an eventful day with beautiful weather. So beautiful that I only rode in a fluttering t-shirt. That was maybe a bit daring downhill at only 18 degrees Celsius. However, overnight I developed a sore throat and a runny nose.

So annoying.... I least need that now. The next day is almost wasted because of that. Rest and no exertion are prescribed, even if it's difficult.

The corona test, by the way, was negative. That would have surprised me, because the cause was clear.

ഉത്തരം (1)

Na dann hoffen wir das die Schnoddernase und die Halsschmerzen schnell wieder verschwinden ........@Simone .....pflegen , pflegen , pflegen ;-) Gruß Rolf

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