പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 16.10.2022
At Carnarvon Stuart discovered a sign 'fruit loop trail' and ice-cream signs, so he wanted to go for another drive in Carnarvon. First stop is the Bumbak Ice-cream Shop. Stuart picks some mango-passionfruit-vanilla ice-creams and enjoys eating it while looking at tiny banana plants without any bananas. On the ongoing fruit loop trail the information provided said there will be lots of stalls selling fruits & vegetables. Well, we discovered one, which was empty and then a cactus farm. Stuart was very excited about all the big cactus, but as soon as he saw the big spiders, he was back in the car. Some cactus had flowers just as the plants with the butterflies nearby. No fruit or veges, but still a nice stop. On the remaining loop drive were only two other stalls, one was almost empty and the other one had some already cut veges for stir-fry on offer, so we had a part of our dinner.
After this detour we went to the supermarket, yes this time it was big enough to be named like that and Stuart immediately discovered, that there are now mangos available. And with some passionfruit cheesecake from the Cafe around the corner, Stuart thought, that this was a successful shopping day in terms of fruit, veges, ice-cream and groceries.