I'm going to San Francisco

പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 10.05.2017


So on Sunday we went on to San Francisco.

As soon as we were above the clouds, of course the sun was shining again :-)

I had a window seat and a good view of the country below me. The dimension is simply incredible! The flight went along the coast and there are mostly wooded mountains there. And otherwise a lot of nothing.

I took a random screenshot in Google Maps.

On the other hand - the huge cities.

When approaching San Francisco, I could catch a first glimpse of the skyline and the Oakland Bay Bridge.

And when landing, the sun was shining again. They had also brought my suitcase (the red one on top). So everything went right ;-)

After a few days with people around me who speak only English, I actually start thinking in this language. Really interesting. I'm not exactly the hero in English. Yes, sure. it's enough to understand most things and to communicate with me. And yet the thoughts in my head eventually start to form in the other language.

As far as speaking is concerned, I am still quite reserved because I'm afraid of embarrassing myself ;-) The Americans always say: 'Your English is very good! - Much better than my German.' Yeah, yeah. Clear! :-)

By the way, I had the impression so far that the Americans are overall a very friendly people. When I said that to an American woman from Washington D.C., she said that not everyone is like that and she is glad that I have only met nice people so far. It's probably like everywhere: there are some and some. But the people I have met so far have all been incredibly friendly.

From the airport I had pre-booked a shuttle that took me to my small hotel in the city.

And then came the first night, where I was only awake once and otherwise really slept well. I think I have finally managed to cope with the time difference ;-)



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