In Montenegro there's a problem

1600 km away from home and still at home

2 nights in Blagaj - Mostar and Derwish House

Trapped between good food, Bosnian coffee and techno.. oh and tourists too

Kravica Waterfalls and a night in the desert of Bosnia

Where entering is forbidden in Germany, a paradise for big children has emerged in Bosnia. Under/beh...

Blindinje Nature Park - a night by the lake

A beautiful and impressive day in the Nature Park and a paddleboarding trip on the lake surrounded b...

2 days in Sarajevo

Delicious food, great views, and 40 degrees in the shade...

Lake House walk and a 'little' crafting session

Mini waterfalls at the Lake House and a day in the heart of Bobby

Entry to Bosnia granted.

Bosnian border crossing granted, first after the creek.

From Ljubljana via Zagreb and an abrupt end at the border

Border crossing denied, no way from Croatia to Bosnia

From Lustadt to Munich

300 km in 6 hours

The first 800km

The first long distance - all the way across Germany

The first night

The first night in BulliBobby