Kroatien 2016, II Trogir & Split

Nachdem wir an den Plitivcer Seen und Vodice waren, fuhren wir weiter an der Küste entlang nach Trog...

Kroatien 2016: I, Plitvicer Seen und Vodice

Kroatien, das Ferienland meiner Kindheir und nun ging es wieder dorthin- das Wauzilein "zwingt" uns ...

Marokko 2014: Honeymoon

Unsere Hochzeitsreise ging nach Marokko- unter erschwerten Bedingungen ..zuerst wurde unser Direktfl...

Cuba 2013: The East

4.5 weeks in Cuba, that was a journey to a completely different world in 2013. After lounging on the...

Nepal 2015: the Kathmandu Valley

The Kathmandu Valley.... In 2011, I missed out on it due to the forced stay in Lukla, and in 2015, i...

China 2015: for beginners - Beijing

China never was at the top of my bucket list, but in order to get to Tibet easier, Beijing was almos...

Nepal 2011Trekkingtour z. Everest

Der Bericht über meine erste Nepaltour (Trekking zum Everest) ist in Auszügen mein Tagebuch aus 2011...

Nepal, the second attempt (Kathmandu)

After getting stuck in Lukla after my trekking tour in 2011, being flown back to Kathmandu after 8 d...

Eight Days in Tibet

Tibet, the Forbidden Land, the Forbidden City Lhasa. Who doesn't dream of getting to know the countr...

Train journey to Lhasa (with a stopover in X'ian)

I enjoy traveling by train, especially abroad. I believe that public transportation can provide insi...

A weekend in Hamburg - the Gateway to the World

A weekend in Hamburg, one of my favorite cities in Germany. With amazing weather luck, we enjoyed a ...

Port Barton (Philippines) my paradise in Palawan

After the tour masses of El Nido, we moved to Port Barton in the last few days, a small village near...

El Nido and Tour C (Philippines)

Back from Nacpan, we were looking forward to a sand flea-free time - those things really bothered me...

El Nido ( Palawan- Philippines) a paradise?

After days in Manila, Banaue, and Sagada (all on Luzon), we flew over to Palawan. A large island wit...

Sagada ( Philippines) Hanging Coffins and Lemon Pie

After spending two days in Manila, we first went to the Banaue Rice Terraces and then to Sagada in t...

Banaue (Philippines) - the new wonders of the world

After two days in Manila, we took the regular bus to the famous rice terraces of Banaue. These belon...

( Nepal 2011 ) Lukla- today fog, no flight!

This report is not about my trekking tour to Mount Everest but about the days after. We had to endur...

Philippines 2016 ( Manila )

Philippines 2016.....that's it again!!!! A feeling of 'they still exist, the countries that have not...

World traveler with a passion for writing

Dear readers. Here you will find a short description of me and my passion for travel.

Titelbild- Tikal/ Guatemala

Guatemala war ein lang gehegter Traum von mir. 2012 wagten wir es trotz der grausamen Mordstatistike...

Nacpan-Calitang Twin Beach ( Palawan, Philippines )

Nacpan- Calitang a deserted paradise outside El Nido