Leaving Aarhus - A Love Letter

പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 15.12.2016

I can't believe, it's almost over. At first, it seemed like time would never pass by. But now it flew by way too fast and I feel like I need more time here. I am leaving in a couple of days and it still seems so unreal. It feels like I just got here yesterday.

I am not ready to leave this place that I called my home for the last 4 months. But I am beyond happy I get to spend Christmas with my loved ones at home in Germany.

This is a love letter to Aarhus and to everyone I met during my time here.

Back in August, I was so afraid of coming here. It cost me so much effort to pack my bags, get into the car and drive away. I was so concerned about how life would be like in a foreign country, in a foreign city where I don't even speak the language. Would I make friends? Would I be homesick? Would I be able to make it?

Here are some answers now: It was incredible! I got to see some things from a different perspective and learned to think outside the box. I can speak a few words in danish now. However, the language still sounds kind of strange to me. Yes, I have made wonderful friends! And yes, I have never been so homesick. But yes, I made it!

During my time here, I missed so many things from home. I never knew before, how much I could miss my home, my family & friends. I never knew that being away and being homesick could hurt so much. But with all the lovely new friends in Aarhus and some great memories, homesickness was soon forgotten.

As much as I missed home, I am sure I will miss so many things about Aarhus as well.

I will miss living so close to the beach.

I will miss waking up to the sounds of the sea and the screams of the seagulls.

I will miss those daily walks at the seaside.

I will miss just looking at the water and feel very calm. Like the earth around me stands still.

I will miss riding my bike along the shore. Breathing in the fresh air and just feeling happy about life.

I will miss the people who have been strangers to me when I met them. I now call them friends.

I will miss those stunning and absolutely breathtaking sunrises and the sunsets even more. (I took some photos yesterday and tried to capture those moments.)

I will miss the Danish hygge.

I will even miss the rainy days that let me feel the hygge even more.

I will miss this amazing city with all its students and this lively feeling.

Aarhus, you\
Aarhus, you\'re so incredibly beautiful.

A very great and very special chapter is over and I will carry the memories with me forever. Soon I will look back and reminisce about the incredible great time I had in Aarhus. And I am already looking forward to meeting my Aarhus-friends very soon again in the future!

So it\'s no 'goodbye' - it\'s a 'See you soon!'.

I am leaving with very mixed feelings. Even though I will miss so many things about the time I spent here, I am so excited to go home.

As Winnie the Pooh said once:

'How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.'

I will miss this view ...
I will miss this view ...

Looking back, I am really glad, I made this choice to come here because it was something I really wanted to do. At least once. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I said to myself: Now or never. I had a really great time in Denmark, I met so many lovely people and made even more wonderful memories, which I will never forget. But being away from home also showed me that I already have everything I could ever wish for right at home. I am so grateful for all those loving people in my life and for having a home that is so perfect that I missed it so much.

I know now that sometimes it is important to take a step back to appreciate what you already have.

My lovely Aarhus, you have given me the most precious gift ever. You have taught me that I have everything I could ever wish for right at home. Waiting for me to come back. I will always be grateful for that.

Aarhus, you will forever have a special place in my heart.

Enjoying a beautiful sunrise in Aarhus
Enjoying a last beautiful sunrise in Aarhus.

ഉത്തരം (2)

Warum musste der jetzt englisch sein?? Aber egal: a love letter to Aarhus! Very nice☺☺.

Grandios geschrieben!!!!


കൂടുതൽ യാത്രാ റിപ്പോർട്ടുകൾ