Botswana - by boat through the Chobe National Park

പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു: 12.07.2024

Once again we drive early across the nearby border to Botswana. We are prepared for the Namibian border post and have already filled in the forms, but this time it takes a bit longer at the Botswana border post, even though we dutifully drive our vehicle through the tire disinfection solution and dutifully disinfect our shoes in front of the border post building. This time it's the Affidavit that is questioned. After some discussion, we are allowed to continue on our way as a pair.

We are almost on time at the jetty and can start our boat tour through the Chobe National Park. Actually, you can see the wildlife from the boat in a completely different way and we are amazed at the many hippos, the crocodiles - from small to giant - and can watch as a herd of elephants trots to the Chobe, drinks there, and then surprisingly crosses the Chobe in a row to switch from Botswana to Namibia. When one of the young elephants wants to turn back because the water is too deep, the mother elephant gives it a big scolding, energetic and goal-oriented, because afterwards, all reach the other bank unharmed.

After the boat tour, we stroll through the street stalls, engage in some trading, and then drive back to Namibia. At the border, everything surprisingly goes quickly, the Botswanan border official saw us at the market, we chat briefly, and then we are processed quite quickly.

We end the evening at the Chobe River Camp with a delicious buffet by the campfire.



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