

Räubergeschichten aus Werni’s Welt (Zauberer, Feen gar Hexen sind allesamt mit dabei) aus einer Europareise entstand ohne Planung und Vorahnung eine Weltreise... Immer mit von der Partie, das Kitegepäck🤙 Bro&Sis around the world🇨🇭->🇪🇺🇦🇺🇳🇿

PlanLoser...XXIV „coronavirus the shit is getting real“

PlanLoser...XXIV „coronavirus the shit is getting real“

Kurz und Knapp unser Fazit für die digitale Weltreise...

PlanLoser...XXIII "play on time"

Grounding in Queenstown! Everything depends on one document...


Lockdown... hat irgend jemand einen Plan?

PlanLoser...XXI „the orgasm of all senses“

Zu sexuell mit den Bolg’s wollten wir nicht werden, daher beschränken wir uns auf diesen einen.

PlanLoser...XX „अंत में, दक्षिण केप पलिसर“।

एक बेर न्यूजीलैंड के उत्तरी द्वीप के आसपास चौतरफा पैकेज

PlanLoser...XIX "in the north of New Zealand where the weather is playing"

Not everything makes sense immediately. Some things only make sense later, and sometimes not at all....

PlanLoser...XVIII „where the days are born“

Nach einem 700-Stufen-Frühsport darf man am East Cape-Leuchtturm die Geburt eines neuen Tages erlebe...

PlanLoser...XVII "why"

The most important thing of all, we have ourselves, our fellow human beings, and of course, the trav...

PlanLoser...XVI "Cape Reinga - the most accessible point in New Zealand to the north"

"Never wash without soap" Cape Reinga, the furthest accessible point in New Zealand

PlanLoser...XV " from Auckland to north along the east coast"

Making coffee now made easy... The first road trips have begun and were successful, even for our leg...

PlanLoser...XIV „180 day‘s Planlos and the first night in New Zealand“

Auckland: genüsslicher Eintopf mit Zuger Arkaden und der Zürich Bahnhofstrasse, gut darunter gemisch...

PlanLoser...XIII "see you mate! bye WA"

The end of an incredible journey to Western Australia.

PlanLoser...XII 'the last days in west australia'

I don't want to deny the feeling of settling down, there is a sense of security, but if the view is ...

PlanLoser...XI „tooltime an the new Planer2.0“

„ein Brett für den Schlaf muss reichen... alles andere wäre Platzverschwendung!“

PlanLoser...X „Perth part 2 and the end“

Nach langer Sesshaftigkeit ziehen die Nomaden weiter. Eine spannende Reise mit einem noch tolleren F...

PlanLoser...IX "Perth part 1 and UberEats"

We will celebrate and "freeze?!" here too...

PlanLoser...VIII "the bank robber starts a new chapter"

Friday the 13th. Money gone, ID gone, car gone, and yet very happy with new people, our house, and t...

PlanLoser ... VII "second place to be -> Geraldton"

Have fun until the lines are "ruffled"...

PlanLoser...VI "the place to be" -> Kalbarri

A small village on the edge of the world like the edge of a table.

PlanLoser...V "the fly-pest @ the west"

The usual Christmas season is just around the corner and the stress can begin.

PlanLoser...IV "the way to the outback and back"

Roof tents are a good invention. A bit cumbersome and uncomfortable, but easy to sleep in with a vie...

PlanLoser...I "Planlos wird noch PlanLoser"

Planlos is back and now even more PlanLoser than before.

Planless...XXVI 'level up'

Everyday life has caught up with us again

Planless...XXV "the street direction Sudan"

Kitesurfing and traveling... an excellent combination to discover new things

Lost...XXlV "Now it's time for a little change"

We spent our last night together in Dover on another parking lot with a sea view

Lost...XXII "liverpool, a city for us and the stars"

The square root of Liverpool results in the intersection of the cities of Amsterdam/ Hamburg... A ma...