Flight to New York City

प्रकाशित: 01.08.2017

On Monday, July 24, 2017, at Hamburg Airport, a group of 16 young girls and 1 young guy, along with their families, looked nervously as the girls and the boy were about to leave for at least a year in two hours. They were supposed to fly to Copenhagen first and then to Newark Airport in New York City.

I was there with my mom, dad, and brother. Giving them my suitcase was the biggest issue during the whole trip. The woman at the counter who should have known what to do was absolutely unsure. So I stood there for about half an hour until her coworker helped her out.

Monday, July 24, 2017, Hamburg Airport; a group of 16 girls and one boy and their families. Everyone looks nervous because the girls and the boy are leaving for a year in two hours. The flight was supposed to go to Copenhagen first and then to New York City (Newark Airport).

I was there with my mom, dad, and brother. Checking in the suitcase was the biggest problem of the whole trip. The woman at the counter should have known what she had to do, but she was absolutely unsure. So I stood there for half an hour before her colleague helped her.

The security check was easy compared to checking in the suitcase.
Durch die Sicherheitskontrolle zu kommen war dann einfach, verglichen mit der Kofferaufgabe.
The flight to Copenhagen was delayed by about 15 minutes, but we landed on schedule. We were informed that a part of the plane that was supposed to take us to New York City was not working properly, so we had to wait for about 2 hours until a plane from Frankfurt brought us that part. They had to fix it and then we started the flight with a 3-hour delay.
Der Flug nach Kopenhagen hatte 15 Minuten Verspätung, aber wir sind pünktlich gelandet. Wir haben die Information erhalten, dass ein Teil des Flugzeugs, das uns nach New York City bringen sollte, nicht richtig funktionierte, daher mussten wir etwa 2 Stunden warten, bis ein Flugzeug aus Frankfurt uns dieses Teil brachte. Sie mussten es reparieren und dann starteten wir den Flug mit einer Verspätung von 3 Stunden.
My travel companion was with me during the flight.
Mein Reisebegleiter war natürlich während des Flugs bei mir.
We landed in Newark with a delay of 2.5 hours. We had no problems entering the United States, but when we received our suitcases, we noticed that one girl was missing hers. So we had to wait for her until she organized everything. CulturalCare informed us that this could happen and usually the suitcase finds its way to the training school after a few days. But we had to wait and it was late. I had been awake for 22 hours and it was 1 am New York time.
After all that, a bus took us to the Hofstra University Campus, where we would stay until Friday. We arrived at 3 am, and were told to put our suitcases in containers. After that, we received our keys and finally got into our rooms.
Wir sind mit einer Verspätung von 2,5 Stunden in Newark gelandet. Wir hatten keine Probleme bei der Einreise in die USA, aber als wir unsere Koffer bekamen, bemerkten wir, dass ein Mädchen ihres nicht hatte. Also mussten wir auf sie warten, bis sie alles organisiert hatte. CulturalCare informierte uns, dass dies passieren kann und normalerweise der Koffer nach ein paar Tagen seinen Weg zur Trainingsschule findet. Aber wir mussten warten und es war spät. Ich war seit 22 Stunden wach und es war 1 Uhr morgens in New York.
Danach brachte uns ein Bus zum Campus der Hofstra Universität, wo wir bis Freitag bleiben würden. Wir kamen um 3 Uhr morgens an und uns wurde gesagt, dass wir unsere Koffer in Behälter legen sollten. Danach bekamen wir unsere Schlüssel und konnten endlich in unsere Zimmer.


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