
प्रकाशित: 20.10.2019

This morning at 8 o'clock we started our way to Table Mountain after breakfast at the hostel.

At first, we were all motivated and started walking with full energy.

After a short while, we realized that the path was quite tiring as it was always steep uphill with rocks as stairs.

The tour was estimated to take two and a half hours. After 2:10 hours and several short breaks, we finally reached the top of Table Mountain.

Unfortunately, the weather was not as good as it was below when we started.

The clouds were so thick over the mountain that it was hard to see the valley.

That's why we quickly took the cable car back down to the valley.

We spent the rest of the day at the Waterfront again in sunny weather and then took an Uber back to our house in Gordon's Bay.

We are very excited to see what awaits us tomorrow on our first day at the "Loreto" kindergarten project.

उत्तर (2)

Hallo ihr 2, Tja, beim Bergsteigen gelten halt die gleichen Gesetze wie hier auch - unten warm , oben kühl. Aber das bleibt euch ganz sicher in Erinnerung. Ansonsten habt ihr ja schon einiges erleben dürfen und Kapstadt gesehen. Sind die meisten Kiddys nicht so süß , dass man sie gleich mitnehmen möchte? Wie verständigt ihr euch - englisch? Werde euren Blog weiter verfolgen, LG Uli

Hallöle Alina und Svenja, habs jetzt auch geschafft mich anzmelden und bin jetzt auch dabei! Liebe Grüße von der kalten und nebligen Ostalb.