
Our first day in the middle of Auckland (10/11/2016)

Publicēts: 13.10.2016

Our first day in the hostel and thus in the middle of downtown Auckland felt like a real vacation day. We started it with a breakfast consisting of not even two completely dried out breads for each of us with jam and the remaining Nutella that we had.

After this not really satisfying meal, we left the hostel and walked the forty minutes to the car to make sure it was still in place. Fortunately, this was the case and so we could go shopping in peace, today at Countdown.

We took our time there and only bought the cheapest things, because we knew that this store was a bit more expensive than the well-known Pac'n'Save where we usually shopped.

After the shopping, which was even packed neatly in plastic bags, we went back to the hostel, where we treated ourselves to an apple.

Still hungry, because you can hardly get full from an apple, we arrived there and prepared some Uncle Ben's rice, for dessert we ate super delicious chocolate cookies.

After this finally satisfying lunch, we left the hostel again and looked for an ATM, which we spotted one street further. There we withdrew the borrowed money to be able to give it back to Andrea as soon as possible.

Afterwards, we discovered a very elevated park, the ascent of which was definitely worth it, because this park in the middle of downtown Auckland was truly a gem. It suddenly became much quieter there and our already good mood improved even more. Since the weather was surprisingly good on this day and we could even walk around in a short t-shirt, we decided to take advantage of the sun and the ambiance and take photos.

After that was done, we strolled leisurely back to the hostel, where we then unsuccessfully tried to access the allegedly free Wi-Fi. It turned out to be a fee-based service, so we decided to find a cafe where 'free wifi' was offered. After a short search, we found a burger joint, 'Carls Jr', where I ordered a very tasty cheesburger and Jana ordered an ice cream.

Sitting at the table, we started checking our social media and continued writing the blog. After about an hour, we left this place again, but not without deciding to visit it again.

Back at the hostel, we had cheese sandwiches for dinner and tried a Nutella substitute, a caramel chocolate cream, which tasted very delicious. Then we went to our room, where Jana wrote her blog entry and I listened to music and read until we decided to get ready and go to sleep.


