Reisebriefe von Felix
Reisebriefe von Felix

Hard to beat

Publicēts: 31.03.2017

Anxiously, we look out the window. SUN!!!! The anticipation is great. We have booked a tour to Fraser Island. We will be picked up at the campsite at 7:30 in the morning and brought back around 7 in the evening. Pack the backpack, put on sunscreen, and off we go!

We take the ferry to the largest sand island in the world. After a 60-minute ride, we reach the island and get on the bus that will take us around the island today. We have spent a lot of time in the car the past few days and we are happy that we don't have to drive ourselves today. Our guide Murray takes us to the island's attractions in an off-road bus.

First stop: Lake McKenzie. We swim in the lake, take photos, and simply enjoy how unbelievably beautiful it is here. After a quick refreshment, we continue to Central Station, the historic center of the island.

After a short tour of the former logging settlement and some explanations about the flora and fauna, we head towards the beach and before that (even more important): lunch. That is included in our tour package. Expecting the usual sandwich and a sweet juice, we are pleasantly surprised by a rich buffet.

After several plates and feeling a bit sleepy from the food, we get back on the bus. The 75-Mile Beach is in front of us. Shortly after being on the beach, we encounter another highlight of the tour: a Dingo. The island is known for its Dingo population and we were hoping to see one.

We continue along the beach. The next stop is the shipwreck of the SS Maheno. A beautiful photo opportunity. As well as the sandstone formations (including The Pinnacles) along the beach.

But the absolute highlight of the day, maybe even the entire vacation, is yet to come. When our bus stops and the passengers are offered a flight over the island and the ocean, we look at each other and think for a moment.

A little later, we are sitting in a small rickety plane with three other passengers and the pilot, enjoying the sunshine, and seeing the island from above. We fly over sand dunes, lakes, and rainforests while the pilot tells us some facts about the island through a headset. When we turn and the pilot steers the plane towards the sea in descent, we see the (endless) beach and the blue water. We see sharks and a whale. When we see the whale, we can tell from the pilot's reaction that seeing a whale around Fraser Island at this time of year is rare.

When we land on the beach about 20 minutes later, we are still completely thrilled. It was just unbelievably awesome!!

After landing, we take the bus back to the ferry. We don't care that the sky has become cloudy. We are just happy that we did the tour today. The weather was fantastic and the experience even better. When we arrive at the campsite three hours later, we are completely exhausted and tired.

Since we don't feel like driving tomorrow, we spontaneously stay at the campsite for another day.

Atbilde (3)

Das ist der Wahnsinn! Glücklich.....😘

Supernice Tour!!

Cool, da wollen wir auch hin! 😎😎

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