
So much WA - Part 3

Publicēts: 21.06.2019

When I talk about our trips, it always sounds very nice and harmonious. But as most parents know from their own experience, such family outings are primarily about conflicts of interest. Aurel would prefer to spend every weekend playing the board game Settlers of Catan in the living room.

Leon is only interested in computers and touch typing, as well as bouldering, while Rene and I want to explore national parks, visit cities, and generally just be outdoors.

Fortunately, Sofia can be enthusiastic about anything, as long as there is enough time for her mom to make those artistic hairstyles she learned from YouTube tutorials.

So almost every one of our activities is preceded by a tough battle in which the parents juggle with persuasive skills, tempting offers, and coercion. "That was the worst day of my life" Leon has said so many times after an outing that the statement has become an inside joke in the family. In such moments, I like to tell the kids the story of the little boy who told his classmates in elementary school about his best Christmas present, namely that his parents played the game "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" with him. Just played "Mensch ärgere dich nicht"... Yes, yes, I know, if there's one thing you can never expect from your children, it's gratitude.

And when a child casually remarks again that the idea of going to Australia this year is really "the dumbest one mom has ever had," I think of the teacher from Gleisdorf who spent a year Down Under with her husband and two sons 10 years ago. One of her sons only realized years later that the time in Australia was actually one of the best in his life.

No matter how the children may evaluate this time: they have seen and experienced new things and expanded their horizons because of it! Even if the quintessence may be that Australians are stupid and don't understand anything about environmental protection and waste separation (Sofia largely distances herself from these statements, Leon has further accusations in store), they at least appreciate their beloved Austria all the more ;o)

By the way, the children didn
By the way, the children didn't need to be asked for this outing - the 'Perth Prater' was so much fun that Rene took the kids there again the next day (and mom skipped the outing...)

Atbilde (2)

LIebe Hemma, Carina und ich sitzen gerade bei Nick Cave - Sound und Uhudlerwein bei eurem Blog und genießen deine humorvollen Berichte sehr! Zusammen mit den Fotos kann man sich richtig schön zu euch beamen. Wenn ihr wieder da seid will ich unbedingt einen Surfkurs von euch - bloß woher nehmen wir die Wellen? Vielleicht gibts ja noch eine Welle in der Mur....so wie es aussieht, werden wir unseren nächsten Urlaub am Soca-(Gebirgsfluss) verbringen, da gibts auch ein paar schnelle Wellen....freue mich auf weitere Berichte und danke fürs Teilen, LG Martin und Carina

Liebe Hemma, Doris hat mir den Link zum Blog weitergeleitet und ich lese ihn mit Begeisterung. Die Fotos und deine Erzählen sind spitze...es ist so als würdest du mit am Tisch sitzen und uns von den Erlebnissen erzählen. Wir wünschen euch eine schöne Zeit mit Jonas. Genießen, erleben und staunen. Lg von den Kelzis
