
London 2018

Publicēts: 02.11.2018

Hello everyone and first of all sorry for the late first message but so far I've been busy every day from morning till evening and really had no time for anything. I'm writing this now in just 5 minutes and then I have to go on... :(

So London is really beautiful, I'm starting to fall in love with the city.

The school is great, the classes are really interesting and challenging, and my host mother is really nice, even though I only see her in the evenings when she cooks dinner.

I've already met a lot of new people and I'm hanging out with them a lot, I can't list everything right now.

I would love to have a longer conversation with you this weekend (Saturday or Sunday), I have a bit more time then! :)

I love you all and I miss you so much!

Big kiss
