
20th Day still on the Mekong River

Publicēts: 28.01.2019

First of all, a small addition to the monk's blessing in Siem Reap. For all you skeptics, I will post a photo of the closing ceremony for the reporter with the red ribbon tied around the wrist as proof.

Some of you philistines may think that the reporter appeared as a Cambodian Easter bunny last night for dinner. That's nonsense, it was a scarf dinner and the scarf was skillfully tied around my head, as well as around our nice English table neighbor.

After dinner, it was time to go to the cabin, read and sleep.

After breakfast, we skipped the morning excursion and the photographer extended her rest by sleeping, while the reporter sat on the terrace of the cabin, enjoying the peaceful journey and the passing landscape, the small villages and the children waving.

After lunch, the afternoon excursion took us to a school supported by the shipping company on a Cambodian tractor. About 100 adorable children greeted us excitedly and we had a demonstration of how enthusiastically the children participated in English lessons.

Back to the ship, we went on an ox-cart, always two in one cart, under the scorching sun of today.

Now we'll treat ourselves to a coffee and a juice on the shady side of the bar on the middle deck.

Tonight, we will reach Phnom Penh and stay overnight at the port. After dinner, I am threatened with a visit to the night market of Phnom Penh.

Atbilde (4)

Ich muss annehmen dass die schöne Kopfbedeckung eine praktische Funktion hat? Vielleicht ist es dass bei extrem scharfen Gerichten die Schweißausbrüche clever abgefangen werden? In dem Fall würde es bedeuten dass alle anderen die ohne Kopfbekleidung auf dem Bild zu sehen sind nur lasche Suppen zu sich nehmen und Warmduscher sind?


Seid Ihr sicher, dass das rote Bändchen nicht von einem verkleideten Chabad Emmisär stammt ?

Sehr sicher