
From Ourthe to Léglise, Wallonia in bloom, Day 3

Publicēts: 20.07.2023

20th July 2023, Day 3

For all those who like to say, 'oh, with e-bikes, yes, then it's easy,' let me tell you: never before have my thighs hurt so much from cycling. E-bike or not, you still have to pedal.

Today was our third day and we started early, first with a little detour for a good espresso. Then on to Route 66, world-famous, we didn't even know it had a cycle path. We cycled to Bestogne, once again on beautiful cycle paths, lonely, almost alone, straight as an arrow, not much uphill today, fantastic. Coffee break in Bestogne, then onwards to southern Belgium for our lunch break on a park bench in the sun in a very quiet village. We had baguette, cheese, and kippebaltjes (chicken meatballs) with us and enjoyed them. Then Tom fell into a deep midday sleep on the meadow in front of the church, while Andrea read. Afterwards, another 20 km to our destination, Léglise. The whole of Wallonia seems deserted, except for lively cows and chickens, there is still a lack of cafes, supermarkets, or even restaurants. We can't eat out in the evenings because there really are no restaurants on our route. So sometimes we buy our dinner in the maybe only supermarket of the day in the morning (potato salad, sausages, meatballs, cheese) and carry it around all day so that we have something to eat in the evening at our accommodation. Today we are staying with a very nice young family with two little girls who have just built their house, which has turned from a shell into an almost-finished building. We have a room in the middle of the house and are allowed to use the bathroom, kitchen, fridge, and garden as if we were family. Simple and functional.

So far, we have cycled a total of 220 km from Cologne in 3 days and 11.0 hours. And my thighs still hurt.


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