
Far up and farther down

Publicēts: 12.10.2023

Anyone who leaves the big cities in Georgia quickly arrives in the world of nature, mini shops and homestays. The infrastructure becomes minimalist almost without warning and the tar road becomes an off-road track that is shared with goats, sheep and cows.

Sheep always have the right of way

After the tranquil hinterland of Kutaisi, we traveled on to the wine-growing region around Sighnaghi, in search of Georgian wine and good weather. We found both and also spent our nights in a small winery. We didn't understand everything there. Why do the pigs fight in the stable at night? Where do all the people come from one evening who celebrate exuberantly on the estate, distribute lots of flowers everywhere and take a lot of photos? No matter, there was very tasty food made by the winemaker family, the wine was tasty and the animals around us also slept at some point.

Sunrise over the sea of clouds

We were particularly impressed by the Lagodekhi National Park, just around the corner, where after a short hike we could watch the rainbow all alone at a heavenly waterfall. Oh yes, and four out of six of the tour group did not go back along the hiking trail, but rather along the river, with many wild river crossings - clean feet included 😊

Lagodekhi National Park

We continue in little Georgia with a tour into the great Caucasus, over really small roads. After many hours of conquering the passes in an off-road vehicle, we were allowed to stay for two days with a family in the tiny fortress village of Shatili, on the Chechen border.


It was incredibly cold, but even the young participants were extremely impressed by the absolutely lonely mountain landscape. Anyone who believes that there is no longer any human life in the valleys is mistaken - as soon as you wander a little over the mountains you discover very remote fortress settlements and farming families who live in a very deprived area and are completely devoted to the seasons and thus also maintain the cultural landscape. The views, the foresight and the peace were wonderful.

View from Chanchakhi Pass



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