
2020. gada 1. februāris, tirgus Akrā, dzīvnieku istabas biedri un pludmale

Publicēts: 15.02.2020

Today morning we left at 8 o'clock on the way to Accra to the market.
But it can't be compared to a typical market in Germany at all.
There was a lot going on on the streets and it was really crowded. You had to be very careful not to be overrun by any saleswoman carrying things on her head.
Everywhere on the sides of the roads, there were hundreds of people who sell everything; from clothes, fabrics, shoes, vegetables, fruits to household cleaners, jewelry or hygiene products. What actually shocked me the most were huge live snails (which resembled a mutation of a vineyard snail in appearance) that a woman was selling and constantly had to 'catch' again. It was also very interesting to see a man selling rat poison and in front of him he had a dead rat as a successful example lying there (at 35°C in the blazing sun)!

By the way, unfortunately I also have some animal roommates here. Besides the ants, which occasionally find their way into my room, there seems to be a mouse living in the kitchen...
I had already wondered why the kitchen was so dirty and why the food in the cabinets was sometimes completely spilled. But I always blamed it on the fact that Rose and Johannes hadn't been here for ages. But unfortunately it's the mouse's fault (I hope it's at least a mouse and not a rat). Last Friday evening when I wanted to cook pasta, a mouse scurried across the stove and I was quite startled...

By the way, Johannes and Rose are coming from Germany tomorrow, because of that there was already a big commotion here today and everything was cleaned spotlessly. Rose is my host mother's mother and I arranged everything with her in Germany. They come to Ghana once or twice a year and live here with their family for some time. Maybe I can also go on excursions with them that are a bit further away, like to Cape Coast. I'm looking forward to that.

After the market, I went to the beach alone and luckily this time I wasn't harassed as much as last time. I actually had a longer conversation with an older beach vendor, but he was really nice. He then spread out all sorts of self-painted pictures in the sand in front of me so that I could look at them. And I felt a little sorry to tell him that I didn't want one, because he really put a lot of effort into it and told me a lot about the pictures. But even after I made it very clear that I wouldn't buy one, he continued to talk to me and asked what I was doing here and gave me some tips. Really very kind and interested.

When the beach vendor was gone, I finally had some time for myself. I was also very happy about that because I had a lot to think about. Because for the first time since departure, I had contact with my travel partner again. That occupied me a lot because it seems that she still wants to join Koh Samui and Nepal... Honestly, that's very difficult for me and now I have prepared myself to travel these two countries alone and do my own thing. Let's see how it goes...

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