Call me Emma!
Call me Emma!

Taipei, Taiwan

Publicēts: 27.10.2018

My first four days here in Taiwan were spent in the capital city of Taipei - mainly sightseeing. I didn't have a chance to hike up Elephant Mountain due to bad weather. But my definite highlight was the food tour with a local guide (the amazing Asia from Tour me Away), where I tried various Taiwanese specialties that I wouldn't have ordered myself, including boneless chicken feet, Taiwanese blood sausage (coated with rice starch and peanuts), oyster noodle soup, and pork intestine.

My first days in Taiwan I spent in its capital Taipei. The most time there I spent sightseeing. Though, I did not hike on Elephant Montain, die to bad weather. My highlight however was a food Tour with a local ( the wonderful Asia from Tour me away). She showed US some taiwanese specialties I never would have ordered on my own: chicken feet, pork blood rice cake, oyster-noodle-soup, and pork intestine. 


Ceļojumu pārskati Taivāna