Portugal - Alles anders als geplant, aber auch gut...
Portugal - Alles anders als geplant, aber auch gut...

Vila Nova de Milfontes

Publicēts: 19.09.2020

On our further journey, the rain front that started in Lisbon followed us. Gusts of wind and rain couldn't spoil our view of the cliffs during short stops. After all, we're not made of sugar 😉. In Vila Nova de Milfontes, the last stop before the Algarve, the sun finally came out again. After driving up and down the road twice, we finally found our little guesthouse between house numbers 21 and 13. Apparently, the house numbers are assigned according to decipherable criteria by us 🤷‍♂️. Due to the positive change in weather, we decided to go hiking. However, we didn't take the ferries into account in our planning. The boatmen apparently found the still rough sea uncomfortable enough to stop working for the day. So instead of strolling on the other side of the river as planned, we only walked through the small but really beautiful fishing village and ended up at the 'beach'. There we found a whole stretch of beach full of stone towers. Apparently, many people had been bored there and started randomly stacking large and small stones on top of each other. And since we couldn't resist the fun, we built another tower right away 💪. The number of towers was really impressive and would justify inclusion in the list of wonders of the world 😉.

Right next to the 'stone tower village' was a very nice beach bar. This was practical because the sun was already setting. So it was once again sundowner time 🌅😊. This time in rough surroundings, but with a magnificent view of the foaming white sea and the setting red evening sun behind the stone stacks.

Right on time for dinner, the weather became uncomfortable again. Since we hadn't reserved a table in a recommended tapas restaurant, we had to settle for outdoor tables. So we sat outside under umbrellas, partly protected in a small alley, and enjoyed the very tasty dishes between rain showers. Due to the weather and the rain resistance of the parasols, the food was also very juicy 😂.

Even in the small town, you could once again see that Corona is taken very seriously here. A number had to be drawn before entering the small local shop. Only after this number was called out was shopping allowed to begin.

Refreshed after breakfast the next morning and a farewell with scent bombs, we left Vila Nova de Milfontes. Christian apparently liked the scent of the room fragrance bottle so much that he disassembled it into a thousand pieces with his towel in the bathroom. After confessing this mishap at check-out, we were quickly escorted out the door with a "no problem" 🙈. This room probably can't be rented out so quickly 🤭. At least it smells pleasantly there for the next 2 years 😂.

Next stop: Relaxation on the Algarve 🏝🌞


Ceļojumu pārskati Portugāle