Goodbye, goodbye Mexico...

Tihchhuah a ni: 04.02.2022

Puebla, the picturesque city of Mexico, left a particularly beautiful last impression. Nevertheless, on Tuesday it was time to say goodbye, first to Puebla and then on Wednesday morning, as usual, to Mexico. At the bus station in Puebla, we got 'Antigeno' rapid tests for about 18 euros... 40 minutes of anxious waiting... then the result: 'Negative.' Nothing stood in the way of entering Guatemala.

In the evening, I discussed the next steps with Andy, as I followed his invitation. Andy had lived in Guatemala until he was eight years old and had an apartment there, where we planned to make our first stop.

We spent our last Mexican evening in Mexico City with Andy's girlfriend Andrea, who is also from Guatemala. After pizza and chicken wings, we spent the night on an air mattress before the alarm clock rang at 5:30 in the morning.

At the airport, everything went perfectly this time, without any queues. Thanks to my travel companion, we spent the extra hour in the airport's VIP lounge. There was free good morning coffee and refreshing fruit salad. I also had a piece of pizza from the previous evening and a holiday beer. It was February 2nd, Groundhog Day!

Thank you very much for the good wishes that reached me from my old home!!

Since our Gate 30 was quite far away, a particularly diligent lounge employee offered to chauffeur us there with a golf cart. She clearly enjoyed the ride, and so did we. What a fun experience, zooming through the airport with lights and horns, feeling a bit elevated, admittedly.

At the gate, another vaccine check. The airline employee also collected our visa certificates... that was our departure! Our plane took off ten minutes ahead of schedule.


Mexico ram a ni
Khualzin report Mexico ram a ni
#mexiko#puebla #abflug#murmeltiertag #eichhörnchen #ardilla#wasserhahn#reiseführer#negativo