
Lombok No.8

Tihchhuah a ni: 20.11.2016

When I arrived in Lombok, a very funny taxi driver took me to the hostel. He casually told me over and over again that he wants to marry a woman from Germany and asked if I have a man. Of course, I have a man. I have been telling everyone for 2 months that I am already married :D The hostel I chose was fully booked and since, once again, I hadn't made a reservation, I thought for a moment that I would be without accommodation. In Lombok, an island unknown to me and also at night. Icke, the owner of the hostel, who really has this name, took me to a homestay where I could sleep the first night and then decide the next day whether I want to stay or go back to the hostel. The homestay was nice but very lonely, so it was clear to me immediately that I would move to the hostel the next morning after breakfast. The next morning, I woke up with lots of pimples all over my body. At first, I thought they were mosquito bites because they itch and look like that, just a bit smaller, but since I didn't hear any mosquitoes all night and my whole body was covered in red, itchy dots, it had to be something else. It was bed bugs, the first time ever. During the day, the small dots turned into small blisters and I looked like I had a contagious skin disease.... Anyway, it was too late now, so I decided to go to the beach with my bed bugs and some people from the hostel. Since it was my very first scooter ride ever, I had an accident after the first few meters, except for a huge bruise and a few more dark spots on my legs, nothing happened, so we drove on. The ride took about 1 hour and we drove through a beautiful landscape, everything was overgrown and blooming green. The nature here is really great, but I had to concentrate more on my scooter so I couldn't enjoy it as much. The beaches here are lonely with few to no tourists and beautiful. You can really relax here.

After the day at the beach, I went to a doctor for tourists to make sure if these blisters were really just bed bugs or maybe something else. Since the doctor could hardly speak any English, the whole doctor visit became a little challenge... She translated everything for me from Indonesian to English with Google Translator and tried to convince me that I had an allergic shock. But since I am in good health and the pimples didn't even itch anymore, I just wanted to leave and label the whole thing as bed bugs. But she didn't want to let me go, instead she desperately wanted to give me an infusion and an injection, after 20 minutes of 'discussing', she gave me some medicine to take at least and was really sad that she couldn't stick needles into my body. I took the medicine with me because I didn't want to argue again, but I didn't take it.

In the following days, I went surfing all the time. I was always picked up by a super cool, rickety yellow minibus with which we drove to the harbor and then out to the waves :) It's really so much fun and it's also great to watch all the pros. Even the local kids, aged 6, 7 or 8, surf here and they're really good at it. Occasionally, the locals give you high fives while surfing and everything else is totally relaxed here. By the way, my surf instructor was the oldest surfer in Lombok, but I didn't dare to ask him about his age because he was so strict with me ^^

After a week in Lombok, I decided to fly to Cambodia. But I definitely won't be in Lombok for the first and last time - the next time, I will plan more time here and explore more of the island :)
