Steiner-Sisters on Tour
Steiner-Sisters on Tour

Part 5 Island Hopping Tour 2017

Tihchhuah a ni: 08.06.2017


We have taken some time now with our blog, but there were also a lot of impressions to process here!

We said goodbye to Scotland at Aberdeen airport and made our way to Akureyri, Iceland's capital! No problem from the domestic airport!

Ach, Akureyri is simply enchanting, who has traffic lights that say 'stop' with a heart? And the jumping humpback whales there do the rest to put it back on the travel list!

402 kilometers later (thanks Rici for the planning) we reach West Iceland! Our hostel, which was our accommodation for 4 days, reminded us of a mouse's nest and yes, we really liked it! The Snaefellnes Peninsula has a lot to offer and if you like hiking, you're in the right place! We couldn't miss out on Greenlandic shark cuisine, even if it's served as Gammelhai.

Rici's birthday was also on the program, it was celebrated with the midnight sun! Later, we got on the horses and töltered along the beach as it should be! Our guide was a young entertaining Viking who also gave us the great tip to visit the musical of the peninsula in the evening!

Now it was time for southern Iceland! A short detour to the capital was possible, so we used this opportunity to visit the Whale and Viking Museum before heading to our accommodation, a farm! 90 horses and 240 sheep, well, it's small and fine! ;) Great family and great food! The sights of the Ring Road as well as small off-road tours filled the last 2 days around the small town of Vìk!

2 days left until we end our tour!

Until then, we're giving it our all! ;)

Your Steiner Sisters!
