
The first days in Sweden

Tihchhuah a ni: 05.07.2018

So much has happened in the last two days here in sunny Kerrnässet... the construction work on the camp is in full swing! Sergey's dad has put a lot of heart and soul into the work on the property over the past 4 years... two little guest houses are shining in bright Swedish red and a new shed provides space for all the tool treasures Sergey Senior has accumulated over the past years ;). We're carrying (a lot of) wood from A to B, Sergey built an excellent shower place today, and Mine broke the lawnmower ;D After work, we go fishing ( Mine gutted a fish for the first time :)), make delicious dried fish, jump into the lake, go paddling, sit by the campfire in the evenings, and enjoy this wonderful life... :) The mosquitoes are slowly getting used to us, but we're not quite used to them yet... Sergey looks like a 14-year-old teenager going through puberty :D The mosquitoes feast on us, the fish feast on the mosquitoes, and we feast on the fish... That's the circle of life... :) Cheers!

P.S.: Sergey's backpack is luckily back with us 🙏 Unfortunately, our luggage codes got mixed up at the airport, so the whole process took a bit longer. So always check if your luggage gets lost when traveling together ;)

Chhanna (2)

Hallo, wünsche Euch weiterhin alles Gute.

Danke für den Tip Uwe :)