
Bei strömendem Regen durch den Eifel Amazonas😂

Tihchhuah a ni: 19.11.2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022. The first day after 4 months in retirement, where I really arrived in the unrest. Officially handed over the business to my successor yesterday - today, despite continuous rain, the first day of training. Walking from Manderscheid to Daun. On the Eifelsteig/Lieserpfad, muddy and slippery, my perceived basic fitness with a minus sign in front😈. And yet...with sometimes 6km/h, the Komoot app on my phone at least indicated a certain level of fitness at the beginning. But...if I want to do my six-week backpacking tour to Lake Constance next year, I still have to train often.

The first two hours until Waldsee Tettscheid I was completely alone on the path. Well, my own fault, I didn't have to bring still water, at least the carbonation could have kept me company...😈

But it wasn't quite that lonely - the nice female voice of the routing software spoke to me more often. And because Komoot is a stupid name for a woman, I gave her the name Sylvia, Gabi, Carmen or Monica🤣... depending on whether she sent me in the wrong direction again or saved me from taking shortcuts - or when I wanted to distract myself from the rain and 5 degrees warm thoughts😅👍

Ten minutes break is enough and off we go🤗

When you walk alone in the Eifeler Amazon for hours, you tend to think about the big and small problems. Or - if I can't think of any like on this tour, I think about the sack of rice that just fell in China and what consequences that has for me. Or I imagine walking naked - and no one would notice! I dismiss the idea again, the couple coming towards me right now wouldn't deal well with that. I would have one more envious person and she would question her relationship when she saw me😈🤣

So let's leave everything packed. Also because of the 5 degrees🙈
