
My everyday life as a nanny

Tihchhuah a ni: 22.11.2017

Sometimes I really reach my limits here. The problem here is the father's parenting method.

For him, it's okay if Henry goes to bed at 12, it's okay if he drinks sweet drinks or eats something with sugar even though he should completely avoid sugar for health reasons, if Henry doesn't want to buckle up in the car, that's okay for him, if Henry doesn't want to wear pajamas, he sleeps in regular clothes, if Henry refuses to brush his teeth, he doesn't brush them either.

I could tell you more, but I think you understand the problem.

What is very good is that Henry always tells the truth. When I ask him if he has already showered or brushed his teeth, he tells me the truth and then I do it with him.

Stephanie (grandma), Rachel (aunt), and I are the only ones who also say no to Henry and ensure that he has a healthy lifestyle.

However, I don't just want to report on everything that goes wrong.

As I mentioned before, I often meet new people here. Occasionally, when I have time, I also do something with them.

I often take Henry to a playground or put him in the stroller and go for a walk with him, sometimes by the water, I love reading to him, fooling around with him, playing with him, cuddling with him,...

The little one is really a treasure, but he still can't really understand my no, because no one says no to him in this household.

Anyway, it's best to do things with Henry when the father is not here.

The fact that he still lives with his mother at the age of 30 explains a lot...😅

What is currently occupying my mind is the topic of children in general.

Yesterday, when I was thinking about it, I spontaneously thought of several friends/acquaintances who have children but, in my opinion, shouldn't have them.

Even for dogs, there is a dog school.

And parents? They are thrown into the deep end.

Another point that is preoccupying me is the fact that everyone has the right to have children.

There are now more than 7 billion people on this planet. In my opinion, more than enough. We can't even manage to make things right in the world.

There is so much injustice, so much violence, environmental pollution, hunger problems, homelessness,...

and we humans have nothing better to do than reproduce?

Where is that leading us?

Another point that is occupying my mind.

The dad and the mom of Henry are separated. The father speaks very poorly about the mother, for example, "If you don't do this now, you'll have to go to your mother more often, but with her, you have to go to bed at 7 and you have to brush your teeth there too..."

In short, he badmouths the mother.

And when it comes to where Henry wants to live one day, he naturally wants to be with his dad, even though the mom only wants the best for the little one.

By the way, the family is very religious. This often leads to nice conversations about completely different views on life. 

On the way to the playground
On the way to the playground

Mission Bay
Mission Bay

Michael Joseph Savage Memorial Park
Michael Joseph Savage Memorial Park

View over Auckland
View over Auckland

Tea Meeting
Tea Meeting

Mount Eden
Mount Eden

Kiwi Esplanade
Kiwi Esplanade

Kiwi Esplanade
Kiwi Esplanade
