Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation

Robotics and 4.0

Tihchhuah a ni: 16.07.2019

In everyday public life, the digital advantage over Europe is not so visible!

Of course, even the 70-year-old grandma pays with her mobile phone, AliPay is omnipresent, every little café offers free WiFi, VR gaming arcades, but otherwise...

The bakery where the pastries were automatically scanned and billed at the checkout was cool. Of course, having three service staff standing next to it to watch over, does not correspond to our idea of efficiency gain. We would use the resources more profitably elsewhere (@Udo and Alexander, if you read these lines) 🙂

Japanese universities focus heavily on the development of Artificial Life to make robots as human-like as possible in communication. We saw one of the therapy robots used in medicine that reacts individually to the patient based on temperature, pressure, and other sensors.
