
Day 5 Snowmonkey Park and first disappointment

Tihchhuah a ni: 10.04.2023

Today we plan to visit the snow monkey park in Yudanaka. It's worth getting up early for that, also to visit the onsen one more time and recharge for the next two weeks of relaxation. So Thomas and I are already in front of the washing stations at 6:45 am and go through the procedure again.

Afterwards, it's time to head to the monkeys. With the local bus, which has the worst timings I've ever seen. The first one leaves at 8:32 am and then every 4 hours. However, we only realize this today morning and are glad to be at the entrance area at 8 am and start the day relaxed.

The owner of the ryokan offers to drive us to the train station 800 meters away by car. We decline - what's 800 meters anyway? Apparently, it's not common for Japanese people to walk "a lot". Or they are used to something different from tourists from other countries. 🤷‍♂️

With the best imperial weather you can imagine, we take the bus to the foot of the mountain with the monkey park. We thought the way to the monkey park would be worse - 40 minutes according to Google Maps for 1.8 km. Of course, we are faster. Maybe Google takes the average speed of all those who walk the route.

When we arrive at the top, we realize the first lie. There is no snow here. Well, we were already expecting that. Too bad, but there's nothing we can do. So we see more monkeys relaxing and grooming outside the hot springs. It's nice to observe such animals in their natural environment. No zoo in the world can offer the space they have here.

Grooming monkeys
Mother and child
Not today

On the way back, we visit a shrine, and Thomas explains to us again exactly how to perform the ritual of visiting a shrine in order to be well-disposed towards the spirits living there.

Shrine ritual
  1. We pass through the torii at the entrance of the shrine grounds and bow once. The hat must be removed for the entire visit.
  2. We clean our hands at the basin to prepare ourselves physically and spiritually for the encounter with the gods.
  3. We can finally enter the main sanctuary.
  4. To greet, we bow twice and clap our hands twice. Then follows the prayer and another bow.
  5. When leaving the shrine and passing through the torii, we bow again.

On the way down, we can see the Japanese Alps in the distance. They still have a snow-capped peak, similar to Mt. Fuji as it is depicted in many pictures and postcards. In addition to the cherry blossom trees, which I can't get enough of, we also see a statue from the 60s that was built as a symbol of peace.

Peace statue
Sakura and snow

As a little snack, we have an original onsen pudding from a vending machine. It tastes really great, only the caramel sauce at the bottom of the glass is not quite to my liking. But overall, it's very tasty.

Then we take the Thunderbird to Kyoto, where we will stay for 5 days and have time to take spontaneous trips in the surrounding area.


Japan ram a ni
Khualzin report Japan ram a ni