
Chapter 7 Fraser Island - Sydney

Tihchhuah a ni: 24.11.2019

The next morning we took the coach from Noosa to Rainbow Beach.

There we were divided into groups and assigned to the 4WD cars. Each car could accommodate eight people, so we were assigned four more people. An Israeli, who, apart from his taste in music, fit in well with our group, and three French girls who spoke poor English and asked the guide if there would be an early night's rest. We knew right away that we wouldn't be the most fun group.

Nevertheless, I have to say in advance that this did not diminish our fun factor or the experience of Fraser Island in the least.

With a total of four cars and 32 people, we crossed over to the island on the ferry for about 10 minutes.

Car 3 (us) was already contacted after a few meters on the partly very soft sand and advised on minor errors. The only problem was that Car 3 didn't fully understand the guide due to the loudly buzzing radio, so we had no choice but to confirm the criticism with a 'copy' and not change anything for now.

And it worked out that way for the whole three days!

First of all, we went to our tent camp, which was already set up behind the dunes. After a quick lunch and seeing our first dingo, we drove to Lake Wobby. Unfortunately, Car 4 got a flat tire, so our time at the beautiful lake was shortened.

Then we went back to the camp and after dinner and a few drinks we went to bed.

The next day, Elli Creek was on the agenda. A very clear natural spring that you could float down on your stomach or back.

In perfect weather, we were then shown a wreck from the 1930s, which, marked by salt water, sun, and wind, continues to sink further into the sand.

The drivers were constantly changing and on the way to the Champagne Pools, when Jonas was driving, Car 2 got stuck in the soft ground as we were going too slow. So we had no choice but to drive back in exactly the same track. It was easier than expected, so we could quickly continue our journey.

The Champagne Pools are naturally flooded rock basins filled with salt water, which were perfect for the hot weather.

After that, we visited a lookout before returning to our camp for dinner.

After dinner, we played cards again, had a few beers, and talked to various people.

We had a really nice and relaxed travel group!

The next day brought the absolute highlight: Lake Mckenzie.

The way there led us 45 minutes over a bumpy, unpaved road. Not very pleasant for people with a hangover, right Dominik?

Arriving at Lake Mckenzie, we were amazed. We have never seen water so clear and colorful anywhere else.

Unfortunately, we only had one hour to enjoy the unique nature, but it was enough for about 250 above and underwater shots.

After that, our guide gave us the notorious instruction one last time: 'Start your engine, release your handbrake, put your gear in D. We are on the move!', a command that accompanied us as a running gag for the next few days.

About two hours later, the Fraser Island adventure was over, and we drove back to Noosa.

For Louis and Jonas, nothing new came next. However, this was advantageous for Dominik and Timo, so we could show them Brisbane, Surfers Paradise, and Byron Bay without wasting time.

In Surfers Paradise, we went surfing for the first time. Timo unfortunately had to take on the role of the spectator due to his bad knee.

Dominik, who already had some experience, showed us the basics. Louis quickly realized that surfing was not his calling.

Dominik, after a short acclimatization period, managed to ride quite a few waves impressively. Jonas, on the other hand, mostly swallowed seawater for the first 1.5 hours until he managed to get on his knees and finally stand once at the very end.

Unfortunately, the smoke from the many bushfires along the coast made some places very hazy and took away the charm of some views. However, we had a beautiful sunset and even a blood moon in Byron Bay before we went out to party. Afterwards, we slept on the beach in our sleeping bags.

The next morning, we drove for several kilometers until we reached our destination, Coffs Harbour, where we got a tip to go to Emerald Beach.

That was the best tip we've received so far. Finally, kangaroos!

Near Emerald Beach, we went surfing once again for a whole 3.5 hours. And I have to say, it keeps getting better!

Our next destination was the Stockton Sand Dunes, a desert beach near Nelson Bay.

Nelson Bay was our favorite place after Noosa. We would have liked to stay a little longer, but we will be back in about 1.5 months.

The bushfires spoiled our plans when we wanted to visit the Blue Mountains and the Royal National Park. To the disappointment of Dominik and Timo, both attractions were closed due to the fires.

Fortunately, we have the chance to come back!

The lesser evil was that we had two and a half days in Sydney.

We spent half a day at the famous Bondi Beach, among other things. Dominik and Jonas went surfing again, while Timo and Louis worked on changing their skin color from white to brown.

In the evening, we went out to party again. We went to a so-called silent party, where everyone wore headphones and could switch between three DJs individually. As long as you don't take off the headphones and have to endure the different songs sung by the participants, it's worth a try!

On the second day, Jonas was ill and couldn't join. During that time, Louis, Timo, and Dominik explored Sydney.

Of course, we visited the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge, and the Botanic Garden. But we also didn't miss out on the endless side streets with markets and shopping stores. It was hardly surprising that our shopping queen, Timo, quickly found something.

In the evening, everyone arrived at the hostel room totally exhausted.

Timo and Louis went straight to bed, while Jonas and Dominik decided to dance one last time.

On the last day, Timo and Dominik had to return the rental car, so we met later in the city.

We spent a full eleven and a half hours exploring Sydney at a fast pace, and in the end, Timo and Dominik could check off the Australian metropolis with satisfaction.

We said goodbye in the middle of the night, half awake and half asleep.

We have spent 11 days together, covered 1100 km, had short nights, and a lot of love.

Thanks, guys, it was as always great with you! Cheers mates!

Next, we will continue south towards Melbourne. Next stop, Jervis Bay.

Until then,

yours Louis & Jonas

Chhanna (1)

Da hattet ihr ja eine tolle Zeit und soviel gesehen und erlebt. Schön, ich freue mich für euch. Weiterhin alles liebe und gute. Passt auf euch auf.