
Tag 90 - Homeless

Tihchhuah a ni: 02.02.2018

For a city with about 120,000 inhabitants, it seems to me that there are many homeless people. Some are already known by sight because they always stay in the same place. They also loiter in front of the cathedral (a tourist attraction) and the neighboring town hall. Nobody drives them away. I have also seen children where no one intervenes.

The woman in the photo sleeps on the entrance steps to the cathedral, with her few belongings. She relieves herself a few steps away at the church fence. She cleans herself with an indefinable cloth, which she then puts back in her pocket. She seems confused to me.

An old woman lives on the only shopping street. She has three large nylon bags full of things leaning against a wall. Anyone who passes by here is begged by her. The unpleasant thing is that she always tries to touch and pull people towards her. She looks at least 80, but she is probably much younger. The people who live in the house let her do as she pleases. What would I do if a homeless person camped in front of my house? I would certainly want to get rid of them. Doesn't someone like that belong in a shelter? There are hardly any nursing homes or care facilities here. The family takes care of that. When someone ends up in a home, they have no one left. The older people, especially the women, are indispensable for the families. They often raise their grandchildren. Because their daughters are still in school or have to work. Even if the child's father hasn't left them, his income usually isn't enough to live on, so both have to work. Then the grandparents take care of the grandchildren. Or sit in front of the house selling food. Like the old man I buy churritos from.
