A bit of culture

Tihchhuah a ni: 06.03.2024

From Flores I took the tour to Tikal. We set off early in the morning, about an hour into the middle of nowhere to see one of the largest Mayan ruins and overall it was pretty impressive. Especially when you imagine the area it covers, even if most of it is still hidden by nature. The city was abandoned around 900 AD and seeing what was built back then and at what height seems a bit otherworldly. Fun fact, the gods' wish for the temple was received with the help of mushrooms and life was aligned accordingly. We didn't find any ancient Mayan spirits in the necropolis :( But I met an Australian woman with whom I've done a lot since then, good deal.

A great little story about women in society among the great Mayans. I asked our guide about it and he then explained to us, based on two temples, how wonderful it was and what a great role women had: two temples, one with 9 steps (represents the man), the other with 3 (represents the woman). BECAUSE: the man GIVES us 9 months of pregnancy and women giving birth then give birth to life. Legitimately the only task of giving birth to life, even the 9 months of pregnancy were attributed to men. I was endlessly moved and thrilled to find out. I showed it that way too. My guide couldn't understand it, nope.

Climbing up to the temples was still great, even if it was tiring on the hottest day of my trip so far. In the afternoon we went back and I just managed to book my bus to Belize and measure something and then I fell into bed dead tired :D

This morning we drove to Belize in an extremely relaxed manner within 3 hours, border control was no problem at all and we met a really lovely woman who explained pretty much everything to us, where we could get sim cards and the like. Tomorrow we're going on a tour of caves near here, which was supposed to be very adventurous and is definitely by far the most expensive that I have booked and will book (otherwise I have to go home next week :D). I hope I can do that.


Guatemala ramah a ni
Khualzin report Guatemala ramah a ni