

Tihchhuah a ni: 15.01.2024

After a few lovely days in Bhaktapur, I went to Kuntabesi - the village where I will live.

My time in Bhaktapur was a successful start to my Nepal experience. The many beautiful temples and the sacrificial practices practiced in front of them gave me a clear understanding of Hinduism and the spirituality of the Nepalese. Even though I still have a lot to learn about it and am still far from understanding all the different deities, I was deeply fascinated by the sight of the temples and other places of worship. I have already had a few conversations with Anil about Hinduism and the resulting life practices. I am very excited to see what else I will experience and learn about this religion and the way of life associated with it during my time here. Because pictures are much more meaningful, I have attached some photos for you and included descriptions underneath each one.

In addition to some traditional dishes, I also got to know a Nepalese way of drinking beer in Bhaktapur: beer mixed with salt and lemon juice. Since the Nepalese beer surprisingly seemed to me to be as bitter as the German beer, you are welcome to try this “beer cocktail” at home with a sip of beer. :D

Chhanna (2)

Guten Morgen liebe Anna, es sind sehr schöne Fotos. Wir hoffen es geht dir gut und du hast wahrscheinlich schon ein paar Unterrichtsstunden gehalten. Liebe Grüße senden dir Siglinde und Walter :)

Vielen lieben Dank für eure Nachricht! Mir geht es gut, ich gewöhne mich hier ein und habe auch schon die ersten Unterrichtsstunden gehalten. Zur Schule und der Umgebung hier wird es bald auch einen Bericht geben. Liebe Grüße Anna :)

Nepal ram a ni
Khualzin report Nepal ram a ni