Our first vacation together - Djerba 2015

ຈັດພີມມາ: 14.12.2018

We spent our first vacation together in August 2015 in Djerba.

It was Jannik's first flight. Actually, he didn't want to fly, but what wouldn't you do when you're freshly in love? At that time, he didn't know how often he would fly in the coming years.">

Right from the start - our first vacation was a typical all-inclusive beach vacation. Now ten days of just beach, shopping, and eating would probably be too unspectacular for us, but it was definitely the perfect first vacation. For anyone who wants to spend a few relaxed and romantic days, I can definitely recommend Djerba.

In August, it was insanely hot. As soon as you left the air-conditioned room, you were drenched in sweat.

Accordingly, our daily routine was also shaped. Breakfast, then splashing around in the warm sea, lunch, and then splashing around again or going shopping in the city.

First, let's talk about the beach:

The beach was great. Beautiful sand that was so hot that you were glad if you didn't have blisters on your feet, and clear, blue sea. One day we had 48°C. Since we were there shortly after the 2015 attack in Djerba, there were not only camels and merchants on the beach, but also armed soldiers on beach buggies and quads. Personally, I didn't mind. The only time I found the whole thing a bit strange was when Jannik came back from jogging and told me that two armed men in civilian clothing had approached him. He didn't understand them and just kept running. Nothing happened and we still don't know exactly what the intention of the two was, but somehow that stuck in my memory.

Our hotel was right on the beach. We could have dinner with a view of the sea and enjoy the truly breathtaking starry sky. I will never forget that sky!

Aside from the hotels, Djerba wasn't particularly beautiful. Blue plastic bags were lying around everywhere. Some hotel employees told us that waste disposal was a problem there. Too bad.


My personal highlight was horseback riding on the beach. Partly on a camel, partly on a horse. Considering that Jannik initially refused to get on the horse (he fell off a horse as a little child), he did very well. Unlike the other men in our group, he had the horse somewhat under control. 🐎

Other than that, we spent several hours in the city or at the market. Very interesting, but also very exhausting. Anyone who has been to Turkey, for example, knows how aggressive and pushy the merchants can be. Since there were fewer tourists on Djerba after the attack, the inhibition threshold of the merchants was even lower than I was used to.

But you have to be prepared for that in general. Don't get ripped off! Luckily, my boyfriend is ice-cold when it comes to bargaining, unlike me, who would probably buy any crap.

Conclusion: If you want a relaxed beach vacation, Djerba is a perfect and affordable destination that is not too far away.

