1.12. Wádí Tiwi

ຈັດພີມມາ: 13.12.2023

In the morning, the children and Ota go swimming in the sea, although our house is in the first row on the beach, but it is 1/2 km to the sea. As part of the acceleration, they drive a car. After a while, Ota calls that he managed to bury him. But the rescuers appear immediately, drop even more tires and explain to him the mystery of why we have two versions of the four-wheeler, then the car will drive off on its own. I follow them, Ota guides me back, let me drive, because they are wet. I haven't driven this car yet, moreover, in the sand where it got buried a while ago, but I'm going to bury it too. But I'm driving fine, so I'll get admiration from the children :-D.

We leave for the trip to Wádí later than planned and immediately after driving 10m we discover that our right rear wheel is completely empty. We hope it was just a glitch in the drop and that we didn't puncture. I WhatsApp the landlord to see if he has a compressor at home and he immediately sends a friend to inflate our bike. We go to the nearest pump to inflate all the tires, but their compressor is broken, they send us to the tire repair shop around the corner, which turns out to be a lucky solution. Without us saying anything, the guy discovers a loose valve on the right rear wheel and tightens it. Hopefully we have already chosen it today.

We go to Wadi Tiwi, the moment we get off the highway, Ota realizes that we don't have much gas. The nearest petrol station is 25km back and I have 6km ahead of us with steep ups and downs. We hesitate for a while and finally Ota decides to risk it. We haven't had an empty tank here yet... The road through the village is asphalt, but very steep and winding, I don't even enjoy it very much, I'm afraid that we won't get it on that slope and the children are inventing the worst scenarios. We stop in the village of Al Aqur. Ota asks the local men where the nearest gas station is, the guy looks at the gauge with a connoisseur's eye and first lets out a worried sigh and then asks if we need to go to Muscat, when we say to Sur, he definitely declares that we will go to Sur.

It should be about 3 km to the waterfall, we set off along a beautiful marked path, there is even a concrete footpath at the beginning. Right after the village, we turn off the road with Aneta and David and go along the falaj to look for a cache to a hidden lake. We walk through the gardens, then climb over and under some boulders and we are at a blue-green lake covered with a rock block. We find the cache and go back, a wonderful detour. The path continues along the rocks, the surface is almost stony, but the path is clearly visible and there are steps where needed. We pass to the village of Sooee and decide to go back along the falaji, after all we climbed quite a few meters in the rock wall. We meet a few villagers and continue along the falaji and then along the bottom of the wadi, where there are huge boulders, climbing them is more and more difficult, water appears between them and the waterfall is still 1/2 km away. Gradually we lose our way and it is too late, I declare swimming and going back, everyone is in favor. Later after zooming in on the map I find that the path is described as "Unmarked bouldering trail trough wadi", it fits, not that we would have been put off if we had known this before.

We are going back, from the village we follow the Falaji as planned, the road is beautiful, it leads through gardens where palm trees, banana trees and citrus trees grow. The Tiwi wadi is greener than other wadis due to the water in the valley part. In the end, the falaj leads us back to the mountain road we came along, so we return the same way. But we pass through the village elsewhere and meet many natives, women and children sit outside and talk, men sit separately. While it is still daylight, we drive out of Wádí and reach the nearest gas station.

In the evening we go to see the beach at 20:30. At this time, the local tourist agency goes to observe the turtles. But we didn't want to go to the turtles with them, according to the reviews, the events are mass and disrespectful to the turtles laying their eggs. We walk along the beach and find only turtle tracks, car tracks lead through them, most likely someone is looking for them like this too. Even the footprints are interesting, and after a while the children disappear in the dark and trace where they lead, but do not find the turtle. But we find something else, the waves bring luminous plankton to the sand, we see this phenomenon for the first time and it looks very nice.


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