eine Familie quer durch Israel
eine Familie quer durch Israel

A day under the sea level

ຈັດພີມມາ: 27.10.2019

The day started - like yesterday - with a super delicious breakfast.
Then we were off. And somehow we ended up at -150 m below sea level.
Great, especially when you're contemplating a headline every evening.

This is the area in Galilee. We hiked on Mount Arbel, had a great view and we also met our money-savers from the West 💪.

This is the synagogue mentioned yesterday, where Jesus taught. Here's the story:

Fifteen years ago, people in South America started praying about how they could support Israel. They had the impression of building a hotel in Magdala.
When construction began, they discovered a synagogue (the picture shows the pillars and the altar on which the Torah scrolls were read), the marketplace, some houses, and a harbor with fishing. It's amazing how it all came together, right? By the way, the hotel is currently being built right next door ;).

A church was built above the fishing area, with six (four are visible) chapels.
Don't they look amazing?

Each painting (except for the last picture, which is not painted but real 😉) points to a story that happened in or around Magdala.
Have fun pondering ;) (as a true influencer, I would now naturally give something away, but I'm an apprentice and haven't quite arrived in the social media business yet).

Next stop: Capernaum. The house where Peter lived with his mother-in-law and where she was healed by Jesus. Next to it is a synagogue.

By now, the thermometer has risen to 28°C and we need some cooling off. Solution? We get baptized!

That was a really special moment for all of us. Moshe traveled here together with his wife to baptize Paul and Romana in the Jordan River.
We weren't alone, but with some others from all over the world who celebrated with us, and some fish that somehow look bigger than they do in the photo....

For the photos, I got into the water and summed up the baptism in one sentence:
Now is not just my hard skin away but my siblings sins! (Jetzt ist nicht nur die Hornhaut weg, sondern auch die Sünden meiner Geschwister!).
We ended the evening by having a cappuccino with Moshe and his wife. We got to learn a lot about his faith and are excited to know when he will visit our communities in Germany! Such a kind-hearted man with lots and lots of wit.

I'm currently sitting in a kibbutz called Malkiya, 500 m away from the Lebanese border, and I can hear wolves and hyenas howling in the background.
The journey here was exhausting and my siblings have been talking too much today. Tomorrow there will be hiking, and then I'll be happy again because it shuts my siblings up 😉💥

P.S. Have I mentioned that Israel has really handsome men? 😏
ຄໍາຕອບ (1)

I am happy to see that you all are having a great time.

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