12th day Vang Viengh and surroundings

ຈັດພີມມາ: 20.01.2019

Vang Viengh used to be a city for hippies from all over the world with a tendency for drugs until 2008. When drug abuse became a problem, the Laotian government took action and imposed severe penalties. Since then, drug consumption has decreased, but Vang Viengh has remained a city for backpackers and parties. We were lucky to be party guests on Saturday evening. Nevertheless, we managed to get some sleep, so we could start the day program refreshed.

First by car across a suspension bridge, and then we headed to the first stop, a climb of 112 steps up to a cave in a limestone rock, very beautiful. Then we went to another rock, which we had to climb in two stages. It was incredibly steep and the sun was relentlessly shining down on us. We started in over 30 degrees Celsius and with the midday sun high above us. Sabina was complaining like a goat, but climbing like a mountain goat, she kept going, incessantly complaining about why she needs this at her age. Totally sweaty and with a racing pulse, we reached the viewpoint halfway up and after a short break, we decided that it was enough and started the descent, which was not much less strenuous.

Afterwards, we went to a blue lagoon, very pretty, but we only watched the others swim.

Then we drove to the next blue lagoon. When I say "drove", that's an exaggeration. The Laotians didn't even wait for the asphalt to dissolve on this road, they saved it from the start. A gravel road with potholes as big as duck ponds, and that for several kilometers, forced us to drive at a snail's pace. After Sabina's head made painful contact with the car roof several times, she announced that she had enough. But in the end, she stayed with me and together we reached the second Blue Lagoon. Guys, this could be paradise for me. Surrounded by high limestone cliffs, a small lake with a diving platform, and Thai pop music in the background, truly a place to stay. A group of monks amused themselves by jumping off the diving platform in full attire. Unfortunately, films cannot be posted, we had so much fun that the chronicler requested permission to film the monks, but failed the admission test and had to be comforted by the monks.

We said goodbye with a heavy heart.

The end of the day is a boat ride for two over the river from Vang Viengh at sunset, breathtakingly beautiful.

ຄໍາຕອບ (3)

... sieht nach traumhaften Erlebnissen aus-schöne Bilder und toller Bericht , weiterhin viel Spaß und ruht euch auch mal richtig aus!!! Liebe Grüße aus dem sonnigen Eiskeller Berlin😘Resi

Freue mich immer wieder über Henios Reiseberichte, man sollte der Bergziege Sabina doch einen Tag bei den munteren Mönchen gönnen. Bei der Rückkehr warten viele Aufgaben auf sie, nicht zu vergessen, das pulsierende Leben in Berlin

Jutta, wer sagt dass Sabina zurück kommt?
