Houseboat in the French Ardennes - Day 2 - Monthermé

ຈັດພີມມາ: 10.06.2023


Our first night in the wilderness was accompanied by frog concerts and cricket chirping. The days bring us around 29 degrees, but at night it cools down nicely.

After getting up, we drove half an hour back to Pont-a-Bar to get our lock instruction. We didn't have time for that yesterday evening. The roles were quickly clear - Lara steers, Denis and Jan dock, and Vicky hides because the whole lock maneuver stresses her.

Our instructor from the boat rental casually got off the boat before the lock maneuver was finished. See you on Friday.

On our own, we finally set off on the Meuse and out of the canals. Surprisingly, we are almost alone on the river and enjoy the deep green forests and the wide river.

8 locks later - we are slowly becoming a well-coordinated team and have experienced a lot. Defective locks (where Vicky had to call the technicians with her so-so French), locks in pairs, locks without a mooring boat ahead, and we drift across the river - everything was there. We definitely feel prepared for the next locks. And as long as Vicky has her wine glass in hand, the other three can lock in peace.

Our first attempt to dock in Joigny failed due to the lack of a water connection. So we continued to Monthermé, where Lara and Jan had to argue with German angry citizens for a berth. They prevailed and we can finally dock.

Today the overnight stay costs us 8.33€, but we can explore the idyllic town and end up in a restaurant where all four (!) of us try French snails. By the way, there is no recommendation. However, the rest of the food, as well as the Ardennes beer, is excellent.

After 7 hours on the water, we are now finding peace and are already much more relaxed than yesterday.


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