Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip
Lip & Bürsti - Balkan Roadtrip


Day 11. The last 10km run on their own. The night was short as I kept getting visits from a hungry, attention-seeking stray. His tongue in my face replaced the alarm clock today, but earlier than planned. But easy, after all, I had every reason to be excited about the upcoming triumphant moment of arriving in Gythio, the end point of the E4 trail.

By 09:00, I reached the city, not really euphoric, but simply satisfied and relaxed.

To celebrate the day, I had a Frappe with Jessica in the city. I want to mention that this was my first Frappe. Worth mentioning because everyone here drinks it and every other person walks around with a huge coffee cup, looking like they just came from a nice, hip Starbucks. At any time of the day. In any situation. A topic that has been on my mind since day one in Greece and definitely deserves its own post. I must say, it's a justified hype. It can be sipped on relaxed, this cold, sweet coffee. Suits the lifestyle.

With Jessica's camper, we're heading north again, where I'm really looking forward to seeing Bürsti again.


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