anne & ben um die welt
anne & ben um die welt

16/01/2019 - Langkawi / Malaysia

ຈັດພີມມາ: 28.03.2019

Today we were on a two-wheeled vehicle, we rented a scooter. We went through small streets and uneven paths through the hinterland and made a short detour to Chenang Beach. Langkawi is really green and has dream beaches to relax. Going further on a main road, passing by the airport and through small villages, until we reached Oriental Village. We also wanted to ride the cable car of Langkawi and set foot on the Skybridge. We asked for tickets at 13:17 and got some for 13:30. Great, we were very excited.

Of course, we were not at 709 meters above sea level at 13:30. We were not even close to being in a gondola on the way up. Got excited too early... We finally enjoyed the first view from the gondola at 14:00. Once we arrived at the top, we had to queue again. Because, to get to the Skybridge, you need tickets again. We had great views of the Malaysian island world, but it was clearly too much tourism for us.


ລາຍງານການເດີນທາງ ມາເລເຊຍ
