Norwegen Schweden und Kanada :)
Norwegen Schweden und Kanada :)

Taking the train

Verëffentlecht: 27.06.2016

I'm currently on the train from Malmö to Nassjö (or something like that). And Swedish sounds really funny ;) there's Wi-Fi on the Swedish trains :)))

I took a train to Magdeburg early this morning and from there, I traveled through Hamburg and Copenhagen to Malmö. Now I'm heading to Jönköping and from there, I'll take a bus to Skärstad where (if everything goes well) my host parents will pick me up at 7:30. Otherwise, nothing interesting happened during the train ride except that the last two trains in Copenhagen were overcrowded and we took the ICE ferry. Now the train is completely empty again :)

The farm I'm going to is called Allmogegarden i Toralp (you can google it if you want to know more). On the farm, they try to do everything as traditionally as possible, which means all the field work is done with horses (that's the case on all 3 farms where I'll be). Plus, there are all sorts of other animals: cows, pigs, dogs, cats, sheep, ducks, rabbits, bees... And what I think is cool: there are many other volunteers (Wwoofers) there, so I won't be alone ;)

And because I'm typing on my phone, there might be some lowercase letters or mistakes.

everything I
everything I'm taking ;)
and everything actually fit in the backpack
and everything actually fit in the backpack
On the ferry
On the ferry
