
Phuket - Siem Reap - Sihanoukville

Verëffentlecht: 30.07.2017

A lot happened last week. I had crazy, super beautiful and less beautiful days. My trip from Phuket to Cambodia was very chaotic. I had booked a flight via Bangkok, which was canceled, as I found out at the airport. Instead, I was supposed to take a flight that would depart in 30 minutes. I ran through the airport and was happy to finally sit in the plane. When I arrived in Bangkok, I had the wrong flight number on my ticket for my connecting flight, so I had to run across the entire airport again in the shortest amount of time to find out the flight number and then go to the correct gate. The flight was delayed - all the hurry was in vain. Eventually, I was finally on the plane and I thought I could relax. We were in the air for 20 minutes, when the announcement came that the plane had to turn around and fly back to Bangkok due to technical problems. That's exactly the sentence you least want to hear on a plane. But everything went well. We were back in Bangkok and had to go back to the waiting area, and half an hour later we boarded the same plane and finally landed in Siem Reap. When we arrived there, there was the whole visa thing with three forms and a passport photo. I was happy to finally arrive at the hostel and get some sleep. The next morning, Andrea arrived as well and we strolled through the day, had a delicious dinner in the evening, and then went back to the hostel. There we had a lot of fun with High School Musical music and our roommate Adam. The next morning started at 04:15. Off to the sunrise at Angkor Wat. On the way to our tuk-tuk, we met Tim, who joined us and so we spent a few nice hours together there. In the afternoon, we planned to go for a massage. In my travel guide, I had read about a massage done by blind people and where afterwards there is the opportunity to enter a dark room and experience for a short time what it is like to be blind. We were very moved by that. In the evening, we went to the Cambodian Barbeque with Tim and Adam and then to the fish spa, which was a very funny thing. We ended the evening relaxed at the rooftop bar in the hostel. The next morning, we slept in and then packed and checked out. We spent the day shopping and eating burgers. In the evening, we were picked up at the hostel and then took the night bus to Sihanoukville. Unfortunately, not everything went as it should. Our bus had an accident and I also woke up when I hit the ceiling. My head hit a pole and then I fell to the floor. We spent the morning at the hospital. Result: A bruised shoulder and a concussion. So rest, rest, rest. Here we are now in the hostel in a double room and staying one night longer than originally planned.
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Der Inhalt Deiner Erzählung gefällt mir nur teilweise - Sorg gut für Dich

Siem Reap hört sich cool an =) Der Unfall nicht -.- Hoffentlich geht es dir bald wieder richtig gut!! Denke an dich! <3