
Day 2: Nothing but Waiting

Verëffentlecht: 11.08.2018

Our first night in India was quite refreshing. Since both Micha and Max went early to bed we nearly had nearly eight hours of sleep. Rob had a little less since he really wanted to finish our first impression video and made an awesome teaser - and since he thought that working during his holidays was a good idea.

Our flight was scheduled for 9:45, so we had to hurry a bit at our breakfast. Freshly made scrambled eggs and a cup of coffee/tea were consumed in top time. Due to our lack of mobile internet we had to order our uber to the airport by using the host's Wifi. The car waiting for us was so small that it could barely fit 4 people and their baggage. After we once again managed to survive the crazy traffic on Indias roads with the backpacks on our knees, the check-in at the airport was no problem at all. While enjoying fresh coffee and using some spare time for toilet issues we nearly missed our flight but again we managed to get our plane. After a humpy flight, the so called plane with two propeller engines brought us savely to Jodpur. On our flight we've met some Australian guys who planned to take part in the Rickshaw Run as well. They wouldn't stay the only Rickshaw Run participants we met this day. Hella wir lieben dich. To get a feeling for the vehicle we have to drive for the following 2 weeks, we took a Rickshaw from the airport to the train station. This was likely the last time we had a chauffeur in a Rickshaw for a long time though.

The next four hours we spent waiting in the passenger's hall, a very noisy, very sweaty and absolutely Indian flavored place after all. And since we had the spare time we decided to look for some sim cards again. First, Rob and Michael took a walk through the crowded streets around the station but they failed to find a store selling them. Next, Rob and Max tried their luck. After asking thousands of people we finally managed to find our way to the suspicious omelette store. Not only the omelette were great but also this small little shack sold prepaid sim cards - finally.

Now both of us have a unregistered sim card. The registration lasts for one day, according to the shop owner. If those are ever going to work? - We will find out tomorrow.

Back at the train station we met another two guys who where brave enough to sign in at the Rickshaw Run. Then after two more hours the train to Jaisalmer finally arrived.

Now we are sitting in an half-empty train compartment spending our time with writing this blog post and dreaming about the adventures ahead.

