
Peace in Finisterre

Verëffentlecht: 19.06.2018

Wow... sometimes I’m just living in a Disney movie, dreaming of things to happen which would be too beautiful to be realistic. But sometimes, we just get surprised by reality and things happen we were wishing for or thinking of again and again.

And much more than I had the feeling in Santiago, it happened to me here and now in Finisterre, at the 'end of the world', that I know, NOW I’ve finished my Camino.

It’s not possible to keep everything we want to keep. But I wanted to meet one person yet, of whom I knew, he’s missing yet. And here at the end, it happened that we met!

So, I did all I wanted to do, I met everyone I wanted to meet, I went to all places (in this area) I wanted to go to. And don’t have the feeling anymore that there’s something undone.

I didn’t find the answers to every question. But I found peace.

Life is not perfect, but it’s amazing.

“You deserve everything, you only have to believe.” - Thank you.

Äntwert (1)

Solch ein Ende der Welt lasse ich mir gerne gefallen. Ein wirklich würdiger Abschluss .

Reesberichter Spuenien