
The journey begins in Singapore

Verëffentlecht: 02.03.2019

Hello my dear ones!

As already announced, I will share my travel diary with you on this journey. I am really excited myself to see how I will continue this blog...

Many of you have asked me if I'm not afraid to travel all alone to faraway Asia and spend the next few weeks there. I wouldn't call it fear, though. It's more of a mixture of joyful anticipation and uncertainty about what lies ahead. After booking the flight, there were times when I wasn't sure what I was thinking. But as the day of the trip approached, this nervousness turned into excitement.

So now let's move on to the first blog entry of the trip⬇️

Already on Thursday afternoon, I made my way to the train station with my backpack (which feels almost as big as me).

My flight departed from Berlin on Friday morning, so I had booked a hostel near the airport.

I reluctantly survived the night in the mixed dormitory with an overweight guest snoring loudly in the bed below me.

Arriving at Tegel Airport, I still had plenty of time to prepare for the upcoming trip.

My flight with the budget airline "Scoot" went directly from Berlin to Singapore and lasted nearly 12 hours. It wasn't pleasant, but despite the turbulence, it was bearable.

With a slight delay, we arrived in Singapore around 5:30 a.m. After killing some time at the airport (and no one criticized me for being sluggish), I took a ride service similar to Uber called "Grab" to my hostel.

The driver was super nice, constantly raving about Singapore and showing me some "must-see" spots while driving by.

I already knew that I would arrive very early in the morning and would have to wait until 2 p.m. to finally be allowed into the dormitory. Therefore, I took the driver's recommendation to heart and made my way to the "Gardens by The Bay" after dropping off my backpack. This urban garden covers 110 hectares and offers not only the famous "Supertrees" with a skywalk but also a beautiful greenhouse called the Flower Dome, which, by the way, is the largest of its kind in the world.

After surviving the temperature shock from 30 degrees outside to air-conditioned 20 degrees, I admired the many plants, which were divided according to their countries of origin. Even though my green thumb is limited to caring for a cactus at most, I really enjoy looking at flowers and trees.

The "Cloud Forest," another greenhouse with a more tropical climate and a waterfall, also impressed me. There is also a small museum there that focuses on the benefits of planting in cities and the threat posed by global climate change. Honestly, I didn't really realize before that Singapore is such a "green city," but I am really impressed by it.

My hostel, "Hipstercity," is very centrally located in the lively party area of Singapore. Eventually, the time came and I was allowed into the dormitory. There are 7 single beds in my dormitory, each of which can be separated by a curtain to maintain some privacy. The hostel is really cute, the staff is super friendly, and fortunately, it is very clean.

I think I will definitely feel comfortable here for the next 3 days 😊

Congratulations if you made it this far💐

That's all from me for now!

Warm greetings to Germany😘


Reesberichter Singapur