
South Australia

Verëffentlecht: 18.11.2018

Friday, November 16, 2018

Kangaroo Island was one of the interesting places on our trip. Unfortunately, the level of interest rapidly decreased. I don't know if we are already desensitized, if the weather (we only see the sun occasionally) and the cold contribute to it, or if the south is simply boring. Probably the latter. The landscape is still beautiful! Gentle hills with many pastures for sheep and black Angus kangaroos as well as dairy cows pass us by. Free-range farming seems to have a different meaning here. 😅 But that rarely affects us, as we have reduced our meat consumption to a minimum.

Gianna bursts into tears every time we see a truck with sheep or roadkills (dead animals lying on the side of the road). Once we saw a snake crawling on the road and I swerved to avoid it. Of course, Mrs. Berger wanted to turn around and see it because it's interesting and safe from the car! Unfortunately, a road train (a huge truck) came from behind us and the snake was already run over by the time we arrived 2 minutes later 🥺!

From the coast of Adelaide to Melbourne, you can find the Great Ocean Road. It runs along the coast and is supposed to offer a lot of attractions. Sure, it was impressive and beautiful, but in the end, it's just a few rocks in the sea, Gianna, Fabian, and 1000 Asians!! The many coastal villages are all beautiful and would have wonderful beaches. But that's no use at 15 degrees and wind 🧐! However, on the so-called Surf Coast, we were still able to observe several people surfing.

The Twelve Apostles (7 are still standing!)

So our day consisted of a lot of driving and comforting Gianna!

Comforting the Thurgau Apple Queen was absolutely necessary because without the sun, she can't function. ☀️ Not too much like in Darwin with 38 degrees, but also not too little like now! Fortunately, comforting her is not too complicated.

Once I unloaded briefly at a supermarket, I can enjoy my half-hour of peace and quiet.

Afterwards, Gianna is filled with joy when she discovers a chocolate bar that doesn't exist in Switzerland! 😅 Maybe she will explain it to you herself at some point, but at the moment, I "have" to write the blog because she lacks inspiration..I'm also getting tired of the weather and the cold, but soon we will go on vacation within our vacation! 🏝

We met a Swiss family with their parents at a campsite who are also traveling in Australia for 2 months. Otherwise, we hardly meet people our age, and if we do, it's just a "Hi" and "Bye".

As you may notice, Australia has left us a bit disappointed, especially since the weather has been bad since we drove down the west coast 😡. We were not aware that this would make such a difference, but camping is only nice in the sun 😅. Probably it would have been much better one or two months later, but then there would also be a lot more tourists. So it was perfect now because we didn't have many people around us.


We are currently in Melbourne and luckily the weather is very good again, and we finally have 27 degrees 😎 ☀️ ! We really like Melbourne, a very nice mix of art, old buildings, skyscrapers, and lots of food. 

Of course, there are also thousands of people and even more police; especially after the incident a few days ago! The people here are very interesting. A lot of Asians and alternative people. Sometimes you feel like you've been transported back to some unidentifiable time. Unfortunately, everyone can interpret fashion as they wish 😅.

Best sushi ever devoured by Gianna 🍣

The city is pulsating and there are street artists and singers at every corner. There's something going on! You can relax and enjoy the weather at the beautiful promenade on the Yarra River.

In 2 days (on November 20), we will fly to Sydney and then soon to Fiji 😃!


Reesberichter Australien