Kroatien 2018
Kroatien 2018

The journey continues...

Verëffentlecht: 22.08.2018

22nd of August

In the morning, we folded our tent again and started our search for a specific winery on the island. The island of Pelješac is known for its good Croatian wines, especially the red wine called 'Dingač', named after the grape variety and related to Primitivo and Zinfandel. We had the opportunity to taste it last night during dinner, and based on that, we decided to visit the winery in Potomje today... that says it all.

Since we were spontaneous, we even managed to catch the 11:30 ferry from Trpanj to Ploče, which saved us a lot of time and provided a nice change of scenery.

Continuing along the coast, we arrived at our next destination, the UNESCO World Heritage site, the city of Trogir. Once again, we didn't have a reservation for the only nearby campsite, but luck was on our side once again. We got the second to last spot... in the shade!

After quickly setting up our new home for the next three days (now under an hour!), we immediately jumped into the sea. Splash!

We were so curious about this famous and beautiful city that we couldn't resist exploring it a little bit tonight. There's a small boat that goes from the campsite to Trogir every hour, and we took advantage of that. For the 20-minute return trip, we chose to walk.

After a 15-minute boat ride to the island, we were greeted by the impressive Kamerlengo fortress. The Venetian architect Pincino da Bergamo did an amazing job building it in the 15th century.

Our first impression was that the city was very crowded and more touristy than the other cities we've visited so far. We're prepared for that and will actually explore Trogir the day after tomorrow because tomorrow we're going somewhere else.

Äntwert (1)

Guten Morgen ! Wenn es um einen Platz für euer Zelt geht scheint das Glück immer auf eurer Seite zu sein ! Dingač diese Weinsorte kenne nicht wohl aber Zinfandel .Der kommt oft aus Kalifornien zu uns ! Bei der Besiedlung des Westens hatten die Menschen diese Reben bei sich und ihnen mehr Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt als sich selbst! Wenn auf ihrem langen Weg von der Ost -zur Westküste das Wasser knapp wurde bekamen zuerst die Pflanzen etwas denn sie sollten ja Grundlage für eine neue Existenz werden Wie immer bei euren anschaulichen Berichten lasst ihr uns voller Spannung zurück aber "Fortsetzung folgt " Bis dahin liebe Grüße von der Kuckucksmama !@